Heinrich Shliemann Trojan War Essay

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Heinrich Schliemann contributed to a moderate extent to the historical investigation of the Trojan War. Schliemann’s most significant contribution to the historical investigation of Troy was the funding he provided. Using his vast wealth he was able to hire experts in almost all field of science to assist him where his knowledge fell short. Funding that further attracted experts of Archaeology to the site of Troy and laid the foundation for extensive investigation of the Trojan War in the future. Schliemann can also be credited for the more professional standards he held than was the norm of Archaeologists for the time. Schliemann also kept extensive notes on his work, having hundreds of detailed sketches of his findings created during his dig. Despite this Schliemann was still an amateur of the field and made decisions that have gone …show more content…

Schliemann wrote extensively about his excavation, both with books and articles that he sent to major news publications such as The Times and The Daily Telegraph. In these writings he detailed his findings and created a new level of fascination and excitement in the city of Troy and the Trojan War. Whilst what he wrote at times was somewhat embellished as was his style the interest he generated helped make the story of the Trojan War and the city of Troy become a more well known story and location. This interest he helped generate around the site along with the findings of his assistant Wilhelm Dörpfeld helped increase public interest at the time in Ancient Greek Mythology. It is by creating this interest in the story of the Trojan War and the city of Troy that Schliemann helped secure an interest in the site well into the future. Whilst this isn’t a direct contribution to the historical investigation of the Trojan War it did open a new interest in Archaeology in the general

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