Hedonistic Utilitarianism Essay

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The fundamental objective of Hedonistic Utilitarianism would be to maximize happiness while minimizing pain (Sober 416). Supported by philosophers Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, the theory of Utilitarianism has been criticized, reformed, and researched in order to view the different situations in which this theory may produce positive or negative outcomes. Although this moral theory, was established with positive intentions there have been ethical conflictions created by this theory. Such as the understanding that the hedonistic utilitarian moral theory maintains a very subjective motivation, destroys autonomy, and creates a false sense of self. One of those situational theories is the experience machine hypothesis. The experience machine hypothesis is a modern recreation of Descartes evil demon problem, which was used to identify the disadvantages of Hedonistic Utilitarianism. The experience machine hypothesis recognizes the value of authentic experiences, independence, and the appreciation for happiness, which is not accomplished through Hedonistic Utilitarianism s (Sober 414).
There are a few of adaptations of Utilitarianism. Hedonistic Utilitarianism recognizes the intrinsic value of pain and pleasure; the fundamental goal of this moral theory would be to maximize pleasure while minimizing pain by any means. The motivation of the theory follows two views; is an action that leads to pleasure or avoids pain is positive, however if an action leads to pain and prevents pleasure is negative. John Stuart Mill believed that actions could determine the moral justification depending on the measure of the increased pleasure and pain decreased. Mills believed that some pleasure were higher than others, “It is better to be a human...

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...ot established, only the experience of accomplishment, “the machine gives you the precise set of experiences you would get from having those sorts of lives” (Sober 414). The experience machine presents a valid argument against Hedonistic Utilitarianism, because for many people pleasure is not the only intrinsic value in life; meaningful experiences, individuality, and accomplishments are valuable characteristics, which are essentially lost in the experience machine. Although the idea of being blissfully ignorant plugged into a machine, experiencing everything you could ever desire, what is the meaning of a fantasy life. Experiences are memories, and feelings when inside the experience machine, in time, since within the experience machine time is limitless, that pleasure will fade and become no different than the reality before plugging into the experience machine.

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