Prostitution is one of the most controversial topics that is constantly debated. Prostitution occurs when a person sells themselves for money to pleasure others. It is illegal in many places, but yet still seems to be prevalent. The question that is often debated is, “Is prostitution ethical?” Utilitarianist, Jeremy Bentham and Deontologist Immanuel Kant both view prostitution as an unethical act. They both have slightly different reasons as to why they think of prostitution as unethical. Bentham’s method of Hedonic Calculus and Immanuel Kant’s “means to an end” test, and duties to oneself, will demonstrate how prostitution is unethical. I will also be defending the view that prostitution is unethical. The ethical theory of utilitarianism is associated with the philosopher Jeremy Bentham. Utilitarianism essentially is the theory that good is what causes a person pleasure and evil is what causes a person pain. Bentham’s utilitarianism is sometimes titled Act Utilitarianism because it focuses on individual actions A “right” action, according to Betham, is one that produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. Where a “wrong” action is one that would cause more pain than pleasure. Before a person commits an action, they should look at the consequences that it can have on the individual and others. Hedonic Calculus is a method in determining how much pleasure or pain an action will elicit. Hedonic Calculus consists of seven criteria including intensity, duration, certainty, propinquity, fecundity, purity and extent. Each criteria can be given a score between -10 (worst pain) to +10 (highest pleasure). The action becomes ethical and moral if there is an overall net happiness for everyone that is affected. An acti... ... middle of paper ... ...lfill their duties to oneself then they are unethical. A prostitute is a person that gives up their freedom by selling themselves which would be not fulfilling their duty to oneself. Kant also believes if a person is using another as a means to an end, then that is unethical. Prostitution is an act where a client uses a prostitute for personal benefit or a means to an end. Jeremy Bentham’s method of Hedonic Calculus uses a calculation to figure out if a certain action is ethical by calculating the pleasure and pain that action would elicit. Doing Hedonic Calculus on the act of prostitution would show that the pain of the prostitute will outweigh the pleasure of the client. I agree with both of these philosophers that prostitution is unethical. There is much mental and physical damage that prostitution causes that I feel would make prostitution unethical.
Utilitarianism is a moral theory that seeks to define right and wrong actions based solely on the consequences they produce. By utilitarian standards, an act is determined to be right if and only if it produces the greatest total amount of happiness for everyone. Happiness (or utility) is defined as the amount of pleasure less the amount of pain (Mill, 172). In order to act in accordance with utilitarianism, the agent must not only impartially attend to the pleasure of everyone, but they must also do so universally, meaning that everyone in the world is factored into the morality of the action.
Utilitarianism is a moral theory that states that an action is considered right as long as it promotes the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. This theory was first proposed by Jeremy Bentham and later was refined by J.S Mill. Mill differs from Bentham by introducing a qualitative view on pleasure and makes a distinction between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism. John Hospers critiques utilitarianism and shows that rule utilitarianism under more specific and stricter rules would promote utility better. Bernard Williams believes that utilitarianism is too demanding from people and instead believes virtue ethics is a better solution. Williams seems to have only considered act utilitarianism instead of rule utilitarianism, which may have better responses to the problems proposed by Williams. Sterling Hardwood purposes eleven objections to utilitarianism which can be used to help make compromise between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism. I will argue that rule utilitarianism can be formed in such a way that it avoids the problems that arise from Williams, and Hardwood.
“There is no difference in work in which a women sells her hands, such as a typist, and a work in which a women sells her vagina, as in sex work.” Claims author Lacy Sloan. In today’s society, many people believe that prostitution is an immoral act. It is the world’s oldest profession and because it has been long condemned, sex workers are stigmatized from mainstream society (ProQuest Staff). However, the act of purchasing sex between consenting adults should not be prohibited by the government, but regulated for society's overall best interests. Prostitution is illegal and as a consequence prostitutes are often victims of violence and sexual assault; therefore, prostitution should be legalized and regulated to ensure the safety of sex workers.
Utilitarianism is consequentialist ethical system that focuses on the results of actions, rather than the actions themselves. Utilitarian ethics, attributed to Jeremy Bentham, also argue that humans are naturally driven to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Therefore, in utilitarian ethics, just actions are those that maximize happiness, utility, and minimize unhappiness. Utilitarian ethics also argue that happiness must be maximized for the greatest number of people, rather than focusing on the individual pursuit of pleasure. Utilitarianisms strengths lie in its societal applications, allowing decision making bodies that benefit large groups, rather than looking purely individualistically. It also offers a stronger justification if one accepts the base principle that happiness is universally better than unhappiness. One of the main difficulties in applying utilitarian ethics is the challenge of quantifying happiness. It is impossible to empirically measure happiness. Utilitarianism also opens itself to hypotheticals that yield unpleasant results. Under pure utilitarianism, if it would increase the safety, and therefore happiness, of a society to torture or kill innocents suspected of a crime, it would follow that such action was ethically just. Subsequent utilitarians have offered more nuanced versions of the hedonic calculus and ideas of rule utilitarianism that look at overall moral rules
One definition of utilitarianism in general highlights the idea that an action is considered morally right or wrong depending on their results of the action (“Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy”). The idea highlights that the end results are the only factor that truly matter in the decision of whether or not an action is morally right or wrong(“Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy”). Utilitarianism can be split into two more detailed perspectives which are act and rule utilitarianism. Act Utilitarianism focus is on an individual case’s outcome (“Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy”). Rule Utilitarianism looks at the action and its outcome in general (“Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy”). Jeremy Bentham is associated with utilitarianism and his view of hedonism which is in response to the question of what is considered good in the world (“Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy”). Hedonism focuses on pleasure or happiness as being the only good (“Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy”). Pleasure and happiness are considered goods themselves since compared to friends or families that can produce such valuables as pleasure and happiness (“Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy”). This means that the gift of happiness one that cannot produce anything that would be of greater value. The views associated with hedonism have been rejected in cases since they only considered the
Utilitarianism is an ethical system that states that one should make moral choices based on which moral option brings the most pleasure and for the most people. This system is a consequentialist one, meaning that means or actions do not matter; only the consequences or results of one’s actions determine if the choice made was morally right or wrong. Actions and decisions can only be evaluated by the results they produce. If someone’s actions result in more pain than pleasure, then that action is determined to be a morally wrong one; if an action results in the most pleasure for the most people, then it is considered morally good. This system can be hard to apply when evaluating and weighing moral options since it is a consequentialist system;
The issue of prostitution has sparked different reactions from societies around the world, with each culture defining it in their unique way. However, most communities agree on the definition of prostitution as the act of directly engaging in sexual activities for financial gains. The practice has been in existence since time immemorial, although, the reaction of people in the society differs. Various theoretical approaches have tried to explain the concept of prostitution considering the principal causative agents and the sociological impacts and responses. This essay will describe the theoretical approaches relating to prostitution and the sociological understanding and effect of the practice to the society.
All around present day pop culture, the demonstration of prostitution is regularly seen as questionable concerning many different moral issues. Prostitution could be characterized as "To offer (oneself or another) in sexual intercourse for money,” and is normally given as an underground administration. Although the practice is unlawful in most places,it has been denoted as a "suitable" occupation hotspot for some people throughout the world. Most of the people who do tend to sell themselves to others for money are, for the most part, women. However men do sometime turn the wrong way and end up in the streets confused themselves. Prostitution raises numerous moral issues coming about, because of the corrupting of one's body through offering a sexual administration that is broadly accessible. The typical discussion as to whether this form of “making money” is ethically wrong concentrates on if the corrupting of one's body could really be acknowledged as assault, and if the people who partake in prostitution might be perpetually forced into this calling, whether it be bad circumstances or them just being unwilling to find another occupation.
Prostitution is looked down on as an immoral activity. Some people do not even consider it to be a profession. It is indeed morally wrong but maybe it is considered so because of social norms. Women who participate in this profession are seen as harlots and tramps and a disgraceful member of society. Some of these women are addicted to drugs, they have no other choice but to be involved in the profession while others have been coerced into it. Most of their backgrounds involve terrible role models while others have parents that forced them into doing these acts.
One feminist, Kelly, expresses her opinion on the subject. This woman simply believes that prostitution is just work and that it’s not really harmful to women. She also believes that it can be beneficial to women if the sex worker is protected and has the same rights as any other worker. This woman seems to agree with what the Libertarian party thinks. She thinks that every human has the right to make decision about his or her own body which is exactly what the Libertarian party thinks. Kelly believes that sex work should be made legal and that they should have the same rights as any worker in other fields. This blog post represents a feminist view on prostitution. (Bell,
Both Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, had thoughts of the Principle of Utility and what it should be like. Bentham believes that the Principle of Utility depends on pain and pleasure and Mill believes that the Principle of Utility depends on higher pleasures and lower pleasures. Pain meaning evil and pleasure meaning good or greater benefits and higher pleasures meaning that action was good which would lead to a higher level of happiness and lower pleasures meaning bad which would lead to a decreasing level of happiness. Therefore, a normative ethical theory that has come through from this and it is Utilitarianism. The definition of Utilitarianism is a course of action that maximizes the total
Presenting the issue of prostitution which is defined as “the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment” would not be living life in accordance to Kant’s beliefs. In Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant asserted that rational beings can never be treated merely as a means to an ends, they must always also be treated as an ends themselves. In prostitution men are using women as a mere means to their ends, to achieve sensual pleasure, but it is also true that women are so agreeing to be used as a means to achieve their ends, to earn money.
Bentham’s Utilitarianism sees the highest good as the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Jeremy Bentham believed that by adding up the amounts of pleasure and pain for each possible act we should be able to choose the good thing to do. Happiness equaled pleasure minus pain. Bentham provided a way of measuring pleasure and pain, he called it the hedonic calculus. There are seven criteria to this calculus. First being the intensity being measured – how strong is the pleasure. The second criteria, duration – how long will the pleasure last. The third, certainty – how likely or unlikely is the pleasure. Fourth, Propinquity - How far off in the future is the pleasure or pain. The fifth, fecundity – what is the likely hood that a succession of pleasure will follow. The sixth criteria, purity – What is the probability that the pain will lead to other pain. Lastly, is the extent – how many people will be affected. This calculus gave Bentham a method of testing whether an action is morally right in that if it was good it would result in the most pleasurable outcome, having weighed up all the elements. These factors weigh up the potential amount of pleasure or pain which might arise from moral actions to decide which would be the best option to take. Ideally this formula should determine which act has the best tendency and is therefore
Utilitarianism is an ethical theory proposed by Jeremy Bentham and defended by James Mill. The theory says, that all the activities should be directed towards the accomplishment of the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. Utilitarianism is impractical and very unrealistic because, it refuses to focus on the individuals values, morals, and happiness. Utilitarianism endorse risking ones life for the sake of other is not and in fact it rewards such behavior. Utilitarianism mentions that if the outcome of the one persons death saves many lives then therefore it is obligated to do so.
There are many reasons why prostitution is illegal some do make sense on why it is illegal. That still doesn’t mean that the government can tell us what to do with our life choices. A reason why it is illegal is because of homicide. How this works is by the customer promising a big load of cash. Then when they are done he or she does not pay and then kills the prostitute. Unfortunately, sometimes it could be the customer that gets killed just like what Aileen Wuornos did. Aileen Wuornos was a former prostitute that found a way to make easy money without having sex. Instead of having sex with the customer she would kill them and take their money. From her crime that she committed I can understand why it is illegal. The only problem with that not everyone wants to have sexual intercourse with a prostitute. It is basically like doing drugs or drinking underage or not there are people who want to do it then there are people who chose not to do it. I am not saying doing drugs and drinking is not a proud thing to do, but it is a human right