Hebrew Essay

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link to image There are a number of reasons why someone who is not of Jewish descent might want to learn Hebrew. For Christians, learning Hebrew offers them the ability to read sections of the Bible in its original language. For Historians, it opens up a world of firsthand access to early Jewish literature. For those of Jewish descent, learning Hebrew is considered their connection to Israel and their key to learning from the primary sources. Anyone who has learned a language can tell you that things can often be lost in translation, and having the opportunity to read through the original text yourself can give you answers you missed when reading the translated text. If you're interested in learning Hebrew, here are some basics to keep in mind as you learn. Get started right now with a Hebrew for Beginners class. How to Read Hebrew Unlike the English language, which is read from left to right, Hebrew is read from right to left. This is common of many semitic languages. It's also important to note that while in English consonants and vowels can be arranged in any word, Hebrew word...

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