Heart Felt Wedding Speech from the Father of the Bride

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Heart Felt Wedding Speech from the Father of the Bride

Thank you Ralph for that introduction – I must say that you are looking a great deal better tonight than when I last saw you after Polly’s 21st in the morning at our home. That was not a pretty sight.


Ladies and Gentlemen I am delighted to welcome you here tonight to celebrate the Marriage of Polly and Justin. I know that many of you have travelled many thousands of Kilometres to be here with us, and I welcome you and thank you for being here. I know Polly and Justin greatly appreciate your presence and your sacrifice.

As I look around the room I look and realize what dear friends we have, and I hope you have a really wonderful evening. Although this Marriage has brought us together tonight, I am reminded of what Billy Connelly said of Marriage:

“Marriage is a wonderful invention, but then again so is a bicycle repair kit.”


Because this is my speech, I can say whatever I like, and I would like to reflect for a few moments on love and relationships.

This day ushers in the beginning of a wonderful new phase in lives of this couple. Perhaps the wisest thing anyone has ever said to me about marriage and love is this: love is a decision.

On the surface it sounds a fairly clinical and unromantic assessment, but if you think about it a little deeper you will realize that there is truth in these words.

It’s ea...

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...on which this whole day has been built. In my life she has made me very happy, and I must take this opportunity to thank her not only for her enduring and mostly patient love, but also for planning and executing such a wonderful day as today.


When I look back over the many wonderful years of my marriage, I envy Polly and Justin as they embark on one of life’s most exciting, and “interesting” journeys.

It is now my very great privilege to propose a toast to my daughter and new son-in-law.

Could you all please stand and with all the very best wishes, raise your glasses to Polly and Justin, as we wish them the greatest health and happiness for their future life together.


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