Healthy Weight Case Study

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Introduction Problem: Each year there is an increased risk for chronic diseases based on the employee’s lab results. Purpose: To analyze data which will result in researching abnormal results and researching and recommending evidence based programs to improve health status. We live in a fast paced world in which individuals are busy throughout the day, and have little time for focusing upon their well-being. The well-being of individuals and groups of people is extremely important. 1Well-being is associated with numerous health-job-family and economic benefits. 1For example, high levels of well-being are associated with decreased risk of disease, illness, and injury; better immune functioning; quicker recovery; and increased longevity. 1Individuals Maintaining a healthy weight can be challenging, but it comes with repetition. 3The key to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight isn’t about short-term dietary changes. 3It’s about a lifestyle that includes health eating, regular physical activity, and balancing the number of calories one consumes with the number of calories the body uses. 4Weight management is all about balance—balancing the number of ingested calories with the number of calories the body utilizes. Although maintaining a healthy weight may not decrease the likelihood of all health complications, it is an excellent start and wellness programs will increase the opportunity for healthier One huge incentive of wellness programs are health risk identification tools which include biometric screenings. 4The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines biometric screenings as the measurement of physical characteristics such as height, weight, BMI, blood pressure, blood cholesterol, blood glucose, and aerobic fitness that can be taken at the work site and used as part of a workplace health assessment to benchmark and evaluate changes in employee health status over time. 4Biometric health screenings are increasing in popularity and are being implemented by an increasing number of employers. These programs have been rewarded to employees because it offers them an awareness of their health and helps to monitor their health in order to increase longevity. Participation of the wellness programs is voluntary, therefore there are financial incentives offered to those that participate in screenings and questionnaires. The financial incentives include 6discounts and surcharges to premiums, reductions in cost sharing (such as deductibles and copayments), gift cards, giveaways (such as movie tickets), and contributions to health savings accounts

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