Healthy Relationships Research Paper

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A healthy relationship is two people who developed a connection based on mutual respect, trust, honesty and support. Starting with a friendship helps your relationship function on a deeper level when you have a relationship with your best friend you can openly be yourself without fear of embarrassment or judgement. Working together as a team to overcome life's obstacles.

In my opinion communication is the foundation for a healthy relationship. Getting below the surface of each individual sharing your hopes dreams and fears. Examining the hows and whys of life with each other. With open and honest communication you can solve everyday relationship problems in a healthy way. Without communication the relationship will die.

A relationship requires more than just communication you also need someone who shares dreams and interest with you someone who wants to build and grow with you. Every relationship will have its ups and downs. For money issues two different parenting Styles taking the time to compromise will help solve them. Take time to set budgets together and do your best to follow it so that you don't deal with money issues. If and when issues arrives in your relationship handle them and healthy ways with open and honest communication period …show more content…

I have been cheated on before in past relationships and I refuse to experience the pain and embarrassment again. Another deal breaker for me is when my significant other pushes a wedge between me and my family. Anyone who wants you away from your family is not wanting a healthy relationship with you. Nobody is perfect and everyone has flaws I have flaws myself that I am still working on. My jealousy could potentially get in the way of me having a healthy relationship. I just need to remind myself that I can't prevent my feelings of jealousy but I can prevent acting out on my

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