Jordan Belfort: Does Money Lead To Happiness?

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Money leads to Happiness
Jordan Belfort is the multimillionaire founder and CEO of Straton Oakmont a stock broking firm that use illegal practices to make money. In the Clip Jordan is giving a speech to employees of why being rich will solve all of their problems. Jordan is a great motivational speaker and is able to motivate all of his employees to make money. Jordan is known for having a very loud and outgoing life. All of his employees envy him.
Jordan’s subliminally saying money will solve everyone’s problems.
Jordan makes it so that he is seen as better than everyone else. He stands on top of a stage looking down on everyone else. His loud personality would also make it seem that he is better than everyone and that he can do whatever …show more content…

He is able to convince them that this investment will make them a lot of money when in reality it, the company will most likely flop. When Jordan and his new friend Donny decide to open up their own stockholding firm, they decide to use these same principles of penny stocks but, on the rich. Jordan comes up with a speech that is set to succeed. This flawless speech will give his employees the tools they need to make him money.
Jordan was also involved in illegal activities behind the scenes of the stockbroker firm. Jordan would use “ratholes”. In the stock market a “rathole” is when a stockbroker will buy a large amount of stock under a friends name, this would inflate the stock prices.
While selling the same stocks to customers, the price would sky rocket. The friend would then sell the stock for a huge profit of money. The person would then pay that friend a sum of money for using their name. This was highly illegal because they are playing the market. All the money in these “ratholes” were unregulated profits for the stock brokers.
In the movie this demonstrated and explained when his friend brad gives Jordan a duffel bag of cash. Ratholes is also referred to as a “pump and dump”

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