Health and fitness related components

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Health and fitness related components

Fitness plays a small though significant part in the success of a

cricketer. There are several components of fitness that are important

for success for all players. To be a successful member for a team one

needs to be healthy. A state of complete mental, physical and social

well-being is considered as being healthy. Mental health can be

observed as the ability to concentrate on a subject for a long period

of time, control emotions and think logically through a problem. This

could be achieved by regular meeting people that you take part in

activities with. In a sports context this could be as a member of a

club, gym or society. In cricket one should be mentally able to

concentrate on the ball and be able to place in it in little gaps. As

well a bowler should be able to concentrate on wickets balling

straights and at different height and lengths puzzling the batsman.

To achieve physical well-being, a performer would concentrate on five

areas of health related exercise. The five healths related components

of fitness are cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, muscular

endurance, muscular strength and body composition which relates to all

different sports.

* Cardiovascular fitness relies on a healthy heart, blood and blood

vessels. How active a lifestyle a person can lead depends on the

condition of these. For a cricket player this is an important

component of fitness, so that players can reduce the effect of fatigue

during long periods of play. Strong and efficient heart and lungs will

help a player keep working hard throughout a game without losing

breath and lowering performance. A player wit...

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...nning after get it and pass it back to the

keeper. So should a batsman be able to respond to a fast bowler or a

spinner. Spinners always tricks the batsman.

* Agility is the ability to change direction quickly and still keep

control of the whole body. Keepers needs to be able to jump right or

left while still in position to catch the ball, or run out a player.

So does a batsman needs the ability to change direction quickly while

in position to slog a ball. Fielder running and picking or catching

the ball at same time all needs agility.

* Co-ordination is the ability to use two or more parts of the body at

the same time. Fielder use their hand and legs at the same time while

trying to catch a ball without looking at the flour or their and hand.

Almost all player use different parts of the body at the same time.

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