Health Care In Canada Essay

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Providing healthcare to Canadians is one of our fundamental rights that are outlined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. However, the cost of healthcare is rarely fully admired for the beneficial aspects it has as citizens don't go into large amounts of debt for needing to receive emergency health care like the citizens of the United States do. On average, individuals in prison accumulate 16 million a year for the treatment of Hepatitis C (Aaron Eyjolfson, personal communication, April 4, 2018). By providing clean supplies it will help decrease the amount of people contracting the disease, of course there are always other ways to contract the disease but there are safe options in place to not contract it; such as condoms are available …show more content…

Another additional major healthcare expense is to treat inmates with HIV which on average costs approximately 250,000 dollars according to statistics from 2009 (Kingston-Reichers, 2011). This rate is for the average cost for treatments in order to create the individual to live their life without having too many side effects impede on them from being able to live a normal quality of life. If a person does not receive medical care to treat their HIV there auto immune system will slowly deteriorate and will die as a result of having no immune system that can fight off other infections (Gallagher, 2011). Overdose is another major concern that needs to be addressed as it is becoming more common to have your narcotics laced with adulterants. Overdose has claimed over 2, 816 deaths due to overdose from opioids alone in 2016; this number is continually increasing due to the increase in popularity of fentanyl (Government of Canada, 2018). With the increase of adulterants such as fentanyl being used in various drugs the amount of people overdosing on drugs that can easy be reversed with naloxone will continue to

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