Health Benefits of Marriage

518 Words2 Pages

Executive Summary: Marriage can bring numerous health benefits for both participants. In this article, we will explain how being in a healthy relationship and marriage can boost your overall confidence and emotional wellbeing.
Points of Interest:
• Physical and emotional benefits
• Co-habitation and marriage
• Single vs. married
Due to an increased number in divorces, countless couples are beginning to re-evaluate their relationships and marriages. However, even though the statistics look grim, couples should by no means be discouraged to engage into a mutual communion. The benefits of doing so are numerous and can be physical, emotional, psychological and even financial.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a study that showed how married couples were prevalently healthier for nearly every measure of health. Therefore, they live longer, suffer from less back pain, heart attacks or serious psychological illnesses. Further, study concludes that married couples are less likely to give into alcohol or smoking. Additionally, they fared better on depressions tests th...

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