Hca 502 Report

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Linking Payments to Quality Outcomes for Improving Quality of Care (OUTLINE)
Swati Jain
California State University, Long Beach
HCA 502
Professor Lott

Institute of Medicine’s (IOM’s) 2001 Report, “Crossing the Quality Chasm”, clearly states that U.S. health care quality fails to meet the established industry benchmarks.7 In order to achieve quality improvement and affordability in health care, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or Obamacare) was signed in the year 2010. With regard to PPACA the main purpose of this report is to study the following:
Study of health care payment models:
Fee for Service vs. Pay for Performance
Pay for performance programs before PPACA
Quality measures used in pay for …show more content…

Health plans realigning their payment policy imitating medicare
Change in physician fee structure

Preliminary Reference List
1. American Hospital Association: http://www.aha.org/
2. ATS Journals (access provided by CSULB): http://www.atsjournals.org.mcc1.library.csulb.edu/doi/abs/10.1164/rccm.201302-0404ED?journalCode=ajrccm#.VBZe7mRdVP8
3. California HealthCare Foundation: www.chcf.org/topics/quality
4. Center for Medicare Advocacy, Inc: http://www.medicareadvocacy.org/InfoByTopic/QualityOfCare/10_06.24.ReformAndQuality.htm
5. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services: http://www.cms.gov/apps/docs/aca-update-implementing-medicare-costs-savings.pdf
6. HealthAffairs.org: http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/23/2/127.full , Health Aff March 2004 vol. 23 no. 2127-141
7. Institute of Medicine, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the Twenty-first Century (Washington: National Academies Press, 2001).
8. Jordan Rau - KHN Staff Writer, NOV 14, 2013 : http://www.kaiserhealthnews.org/stories/2013/november/14/value-based-purchasing-medicare.aspx
9. Kaiser Family Foundation: …show more content…

Are the health care providers at your facility being paid for service or on the basis of outcome as per PPACA?
To know if the legislation has been implemented or not
Q2. How effective has pay for performance programs proved for your facility overall?
To get a general idea about the stakeholder’s perception towards the new payment system as mandated by PPACA
Q3. What changes are made at your facility to make it more adaptable to new payment system proposed under PPACA?
To understand the costing and flexibility of facilities towards payments as per PPACA standards.
Q4. Have you noticed any other improvements at your facility in order to meet quality measures such as being more clearer with discharge instructions, follow up calls with the patients to decrease the readmission rates, doctor trainings to enhance doctor-patient communications etc.
To understand the strategies being adopted in various healthcare facilities in order to improve their scores on quality measures and if these strategies have proved helpful in improving the over quality of care.
Q5. Are the incentive amounts enough to cover the cost of change?
To analyze the cost effectiveness of the

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