Hatchet By Gary Paulsen

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Accidents are happening everywhere. In the past few years, for examples, there were many people driving cars after drinking liquor, and peoples might have get injury or died after happened the car accident, Furthermore plane crash, explosion, or a disease, this still happening to people who are innocent but are they safe? Maybe there are still chances but not a lot of people have it. ‘’Hatchet,’’ by Gary Paulsen, is about an airplane accident happened to a young boy named Brian in Canada, and Brian had to survive with his hatchet and knowledge until someone finds him. Certainly Brian uses his positive thinking to solve everything he faced like making fire. Aside that Brian also used his knowledge to find food, protection and find himself
After the airplane crashed, Brain found a shelter in his hunger and he saw some birds flying over him towards their nest eating something , the narrator describes,’’ He could not believe it was that easy. It was as if the birds had taken him right to the barriers’’. (59)This quotation shows that Brian saw the berries as he got closer, furthermore his shelter is very close to the berries so he didn’t have to waste a lot of energy by walking around, and it is the first food that he ate after the plane crash happened. Also Brian uses his knowledge to survive because he knows how to make a fire. After Brian was hit by porcupine, Brian finds out accidently that when his hatchet hits the rock the sparks will come out and he also remembered that his science teacher taught him how to make fire, Brian said, ‘’’Fire!’’ He yelled. ‘’I have got fire! I’ve got it, I’ve got, I’ve got it …’’’. (86)This quotation shows us that Brian can make a fire even though fire extinguished, and he was so happy that he can treated the fire as his friend, also this is the first thing he made after the plane crash, so it gave him some confidence that searchers will come find him, because of the light from fire. In conclusion, Brian uses his knowledge to solve the problems he faced with to stay alive, he made fire, he finds food on his own, and he also knows how to protect

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