Hasana Unit 6

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Unit 6: Safeguarding the Welfare of the Child Explain why all settings must implement the EY. statutory framework. When working with children it is essential that all members of staff are aware of the different polices that the setting follows and they must also ensure that they correctly follow them in their own practice. There are many different polices to follow within the setting to ensure the safety and well-being of the children and also to ensure that practitioners are aware of polices that concern us and our rights. The framework that the setting follows is the EYFS, this states how children need to be cared for and ways in how their needs and requirements can be met based on their development stages. Good. It also consists of the seven areas of learning and outlines outcomes of learning which are expected for the different age groups within the setting. The demand for childcare has increased within the UK for due to different influences such as an increase in single parent households and government aims to ensure that parent’s find employment or training to support them with looking for jobs. To meet the different needs of the families the early years sector needs to ensure that they are fulfilling the requirements through providing appropriate services. Parents require suitable care for their children so that they are able to return to work, provide a setting for their child where they are able to learn and make progress with their development. Some families may not be able to afford the fees of some services and therefore they may require a home based environment for their child. This is why the early years sector has various forms of care to be able to meet the needs of the families. The EYFS consists of policies... ... middle of paper ... ...e to ensure the safety of children when they are under the care of others. In England since 2008 the welfare requirements have not become a part of the EYFS, the requirements are the same for all settings to ensure that everyone is following the same. The welfare requirements are compulsory so it is important that an individual takes time to read and understand them fully. Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare: This ensures that the practitioner takes necessary steps to protect a child and also promote their welfare. A practitioner will also need to promote good health of children and take appropriate action to prevent the spread of infection when a child is ill. Within the setting practitioners must work effectively to ensure that they manage the children’s behaviour effectively which is relevant to their age and stage of development. Suitable people: EY

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