Happy Life Aristotle

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3. The greatest good that one can receive in one’s lifetime according to Aristotle is a life that is virtuous. Aristotle states that “the happy life is one in accordance with virtue and unimpeded, and that virtue is a mean, then the middling sort of life is best-the mean that is capable of being attained by each sort of individual.” 1295a36. This is also known as the Telos, where anything that we see has a some sort of end or goal. This varies among each and every person. A blacksmiths end will be much different from a shoemakers. This shows that each person must have some sort of different end goal in life. Each person in a regime has a goal and many people work together to create some sort of end. A proper regime will try and help the citizens of the polis to create a virtuous and happy end. This is done through different regimes that can be formed depending on the elements of that polis and the citizens within the city. It is mentioned that there is an idea that one should live as one wants as that would be true freedom, which would bring some sort of true happiness. Every want that someone or …show more content…

This is because we as people comprehend more as to what is happening and we have different capabilities as a result. It is also important that people should always be acting to achieve this virtuous life and not be passive. If one is passive then they will not be able to achieve this kind of state. Therefore it is important that people work every day to accomplish that goal and sometimes they will be tested with decisions. These decisions will either test them to have short lasting virtuous decisions that will only give them pleasure for a short time period or they can go and strive to achieve more than a short lasting pleasure or virtue. The harder something is to achieve the more gratification one will achieve as a

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