Claim: In this experiment, the best salt that should be used in the Madonna Enterprises’ hand warmers is Lithium Chloride, where LiCl only needs 6.31 grams to heat up 50.0 mL of water exactly 20 degrees Celsius higher than the initial temperature of the water.
Evidence: From the data tables above, there are numerous amount of numbers to read from, but the most important numbers are the mass and temperature change for each salt because that will identify which salt will produce the most heat in less amount of salt. In the data table for Lithium Chloride, at 5 grams, the salt and water reaction was able to heat up 15.4 degrees Celsius. Compared to Sodium Carbonate, it only heat up an average of 6.5 degrees Celsius, and Calcium Chloride only heats up an average of 11.5 degrees Celsius. Lithium Chloride dominates both salts by more than 4 degrees, which will warm the heat warmers faster. Also, the slope of the graphs show the rate the heat the salt is able to produce per gram of salt. The higher the slope, the more heat produced. Lithium Chloride, again, wins for having the largest slope with 3.521 compared to Sodium Carbonate with 1.562 and Calcium Chloride with 2.029.
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For all salts, Health was a 2, meaning these salts can be harmful to people who come in contact with the salt but not entirely harmful. For Fire, all salts were given a 0 indicating non-flammable, perfect for people. So it all comes down to Reactivity, and Lithium Chloride had the lowest number which is 0, meaning it can be stored anywhere as long as it doesn't come in contact with water or else the salt will start reacting. This makes Lithium Chloride a winner even more. However, Lithium Chloride cost the most out of the three salts. It cost $0.19 per gram while Calcium Chloride cost $0.012 per gram and Sodium Carbonate cost $0.014 per
As much as 95% of employers favor urine testing as a method for drug testing, and this one piece of statistic may have positively affected the trend and demand for synthetic urine over the years.
Paragraph 2: It is believed that as the temperature of the water increases the time it will take for the tablet to dissolve will decrease. This is believed since the temperature there will be more energy allowing the particles to get together and form a reaction allowing the ta...
The purpose of this lab was to calculate the specific heat of a metal cylinder
Then comparing the initial temperature of the water to the temperature after the reaction between various salts has occurred, I was able to determine which salt resulted in an exothermic reaction when combined with water. The NaCl and KNO3 were both endothermic reactions because the final temperature was less than the initial temperature. This means that heat was lost by the surroundings, the solution, and gained by the system, the reaction. MgSO4 was exothermic because its final temperature was greater than its initial temperature, which means that heat was gained by the solution and lost by the reaction. Therefore, MgSO4 was the best salt to use for the heat pack because it was the only salt we tested that released heat. After this, we ran three trials with varying volumes of water in order to find the volume ratio of salt to water that would produce a reaction that could release enough heat to raise the temperature of the solution by about 20°C. From this information, I could find the changes of enthalpy of the reaction, which was able to be a substitute for changes in heat content because the reaction took place at a constant
The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Reaction Between Hydrochloric Acid and Calcium Carbonate
Mold is a member of the fungi family. Since mold is part of the fungi family, it cannot use the sun to obtain energy. This means that mold has to use other plants or animals to grow. Even though they cannot see them, there are millions of mold spores in the air. These spores settle down and start to multiply which can be done rapidly or slowly as long as it has a food source. Mold usually grows best in warm environments, but it can still grow in cold environments also. Mold can cause illness such as vomiting or feeling nauseated when it is eaten or when it smells bad.
The researcher conducting this experiment is trying to find out which salt- Epsom, table salt, and sea salt- will increase the boiling point of water the most. Sodium chloride is believed to increase the boiling point of water because when salt is suspended into the water, the sodium and chlorine ions leave the “salt crystals” and mix with the water molecules. (“Why does salt… raise boiling point of water?”, 2009).
Methodology: A plastic cup was filled half way with crushed ice and mixed with four spoonfuls of 5 mL of sodium chloride. A thermometer was quickly placed inside the cup to take the temperature and the
During an intense game, athletes need a way to soothe their acute injuries leading them to the instant cold packs in their team’s med kit as fans huddle under blankets clutching hot packs between frigid fingers. What these two groups don’t realize is that they are utilizing chemical reactions in order to either expel or absorb heat. Chemical reactions that were discovered and utilized by inventors to create the very packs they are using. The chemicals inside each respective pack have various properties and applications that make them useful in their thermochemistry reactions. The compounds used are salts including sodium acetate and calcium chloride for hot packs and ammonium nitrate for cold packs.
A hot plate is acquired and plugged in and if left to warm up. Fill two beakers with 0.075kg of water and record the temperature using a thermometer and record it. Place one of the beakers onto the hot plate and drop one of the metal objects in. Wait for the water to boil and wait two minutes. Take the object out of the water and drop it into the other beaker. Take the temperature of the beaker and record the rise in temperature.
Specific heat capacity of aqueous solution (taken as water = 4.18 J.g-1.K-1). T = Temperature change (oK). We can thus determine the enthalpy changes of reaction 1 and reaction 2 using the mean (14) of the data obtained. Reaction 1: H = 50 x 4.18 x -2.12.
The objective of this experiment was to identify a metal based on its specific heat using calorimetry. The unknown metals specific heat was measured in two different settings, room temperature water and cold water. Using two different temperatures of water would prove that the specific heat remained constant. The heated metal was placed into the two different water temperatures during two separate trials, and then the measurements were recorded. Through the measurements taken and plugged into the equation, two specific heats were found. Taking the two specific heats and averaging them, it was then that
When the lab began, we went outside and collected our oven mitts. Then, we were handed our bag of supplies. Students were allowed to take the twist tie off without our oven mitts on, but as soon as we finished, we had to put them on. I then took out my paper and bamboo sticks. I attempted to stick them into the dirt, but the soil was too hard. I tried to tie the sticks together with a twist tie at the top, but the oven mitts prevented me from doing that.
Strong heating of calcium carbonate produces calcium oxide, CaO, and carbon dioxide. tlcQeA from tlcQeA coursewrok tlcQeA work tlcQeA info tlcQeA CaCO3(s) à ƒaO (s) + CO2 (g)coce cer sececew orce cek ince foce ce. Limestone is given the equation CaO, slaked lime is produced when CaO reacts with water, this is where further amount of H2O is added which turns this into a saturated aqueous solution known as limewater. Ca(OH)2 (aq) and is used for tests to show the presence of CO2.
In a 100ml beaker 30mls of water was placed the temperature of the water was recorded. 1 teaspoon of Ammonium Nitrate was added to the water and stirred until dissolved. The temperature was then recorded again. This was to see the difference between the initial temperature and the final temperature.