Hammurabi's Code, The Twelve Tables, And Justinian Code

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The History of Laws In history, there are many different events that happened that includes law. The main three topics that deal with law are Hammurabi's code, the Twelve Tables, and Justinian Code. According, to people and many websites today Hammurabi's code was an important aspect of history. Hammurabi's code placed a great value on life. Twelve Tables is creation of laws so people can have equality and be passed by the government.The Twelve Tables was the earliest code of Roman civil, criminal, and religious law. Justinian Code protected the people that followed this law.The Justinian Code was law throughout the empire. Many of the modern laws can be traced back to the Justinian Code. First, the Code of Hammurabi was a collection of laws put together by the king Hammurabi. The laws applied equally to everyone in the kingdom and they were placed in public places so everyone would know what they were. The Hammurabi's code was the first legal document of laws and it …show more content…

Because they weren't written down, the laws in one part of the empire might be different then the laws in another part of the empire. Justinian wanted all of his people to be treated the same way so Justinian had his judges and lawyers get together and write down all the laws of the land. They also wanted to write down the laws that began in ancient Rome, the laws called the Twelve Tables.Once they had written down all the laws and made sure that laws did not conflict with each other they gave this list of law’s a name. They called it the Justinian Code. Many countries in the world have used the Justinian code as the basis for their own laws.It was important because before the Justinian Code it was hard to enforce the Roman Laws so they made the Justinian Code the basis for the legal systems of most modern European countries. It created a unified code of laws for the

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