Law And Society: The Importance Of Law In Society

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- Introduction
Law is more than a necessity in every community in order to regulate the daily life of people. Thanks to law, the relationships between the different parts that make the society can be organized. Law which is the set of regulations and rules set by governments in order to control and organize relationships and operations within their territories guarantees the right and duties of every part in the society. Different types of law can be identified and every type is meant to deal with certain situations in order to maintain order.
In this case, I am going to analyze the case of Al Anood and Khalfan &Sons Company referring to the Omani Labour Law in order to set the light on the importance of law in societies.
2- The Importance of Law in Society
Individuals need to be oriented and governed by law in order to leave in peace and order. Law represents the parameter around which people can behave and manage their daily life. It organizes all the actions and activities of human beings and the availability of law in a community is more than vital for all individuals and organizations. Law organizes all the aspects of individual’s lives including contracts, marriage, divorce, property and labour. It also establishes equality between individuals …show more content…

The employer is given a set of rights by the Omani Labour Law. Employers have the right to ask their employees to do some tasks if there is an urgent necessity of work even if that task is not mentioned in the contract. Added to that, the 25th article of the Labour Law enables the employer to fire the employee if he is responsible for any harm or loss to the company, illegal absenteeism or the disclosure of the work secrets. That happened with Al Anood who was fired because of being responsible for a road accident which resulted in the damage of the business car of the

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