Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?

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Destiny L. Humphreys Coach Smith Ancient World History 25 September 2017 Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? Does he have mercy,she cheated on my husband so they tied up and through in the river. Hammurabi,he was a ruler. He wrote a 292 laws down on stone and was going to make life fair, These laws was harsh, but I believe they were fair. We will be disgusting if Hammurabi's code was Just or unjust. in other words fair,Was Hammurabi’s code FAIR? Was Hammurabi’s laws fair or unfair to the people.I believe that Hammurabi’s code was JUST. In this essay I will be discussing my reasons why I think Hammurabi’s code was just. I believe that Hammurabi’s code is just because of the punishments he give for personal injury laws.In law #196, the law states,” If a man knocked out the eye of a free man,his eye shall be knocked out. …show more content…

In law #23 Hammurabi’s law states “ If a robber is not caught,the man who has been robbed shall formally declare whatever he has last before a god,....... Shall replace for him whatever he has last. I think it's fair,because if they can't catch the person who robbed him/her shouldn’t have to go without their stuff. Therefore the god should replace whatever he lost.I mean it’s like if someone stole your stuff would you want to go without all your stuff or would you want it all back. The justice of Hammurabi's laws can be justified in several ways.In the family laws, law 129 it states “If a married lady is caught [in adultery] with another man, they shall bind them and cast them into the water.” , And in law 148 It talks about how “ if a man has a married wife and a disease has seized her….he shall not divorce the wife …. She shall dwell in the house they have built together,and he shall maintain her as long as she shall live.”, as you can see Hammurabi is fair he doesn't think that neither the husband nor the wife shall use one another, simply because that wouldn't be

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