HRM qatar

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Selection and Performance Appraisal in QP Selection The selection process in QP is totally based upon ability, experience, education and skills. “Depending on the type of job and skills and competencies required, short listed candidates may undergo evaluation processes (written tests, personal interview) to help identify their skills and suitability.” (QP RECRUITMENT PROCESS). The process of recruitment goes through the following stages: Application, Assessment, Interview and finally selection. Applying for a job in QP should be through the website, online, by looking at the suitable vacant position that the employee would like to work in, he needs to follow the instructions online which is by submitting his curriculum vita (CV) and then fill-in a form that asks for some basic information such as: name, age, nationality, yeas of experience, …etc. initially this is the only thing the person needs to do at this stage. Now the process of recruitment starts, which is by the manpower planning and recruitment section in HR. Its main activity is to provide all level of qualified personnel required for efficient operations. Now what do they do when they receive all of those CV’s, applications, online? Well; they review them, reply to those that are not meeting the requirement, approve short list for senior staff vacancies and then send these application to the specified department manager for a more detailed requirements. At this stage the department manager call the applicants to call for an initial interview which could be by the phone or by person, all depends on the availability (local or international applicant). After passing this first stage, the applicant is called for a placement test that defines his language skills, English, t... ... middle of paper ... ...ce management: concept and process . n.d. 25 April 2014. Valeyre, Adward Lorenz and Antonie. "Organisational Innovation, Human Resource Management and Labour Market Structure: A comparision." The Journal of Industria Relation. December 2005. Ways to improve your human resource management processes. The Market Leading Perf. & Talent Management Solution. 25 April 2014. What Are the Different Ways to Improve Human Resource Management? n.d. 25 April 2014. wilton. "the Labour Market Context of HRM." HRM in Context . n.d.

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