Growth Mindset Case Study

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Having a growth mindset is an essential element of motivation. Carol Dweck discusses the importance of having a growth mindset in both teachers and students in the effort to be motivated for learning. In the interview with Educational Horizons, Dweck discusses her contention that mindsets can help or hinder motivation. The interview begins with a comparison between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. A person with a fixed mindset believes their abilities are fixed (Educational Horizons, 2012, p.17). This mindset prevents risk-taking as they do not want others to see their limits. A growth mindset, the mindset crucial to motivation, occurs when people believe they can further develop, either through learning, perseverance, or a mentor …show more content…

She also notes that student mindsets can be shaped by the type of praise they are given. For example, if a teacher praises a student's intelligence, the student will begin to think their intelligence is a sure, fixed thing (Educational Horizons, 2012, p.17). In a growth mindset, “you're stretching to learn something... that's when you're getting smarter. It really changes the whole experience,” (Educational Horizons, 2012, p.17). By offering the appropriate constructive criticism, teachers and other adults can instill a growth mindset in students. Dweck contends that criticism is “absolutely essential,” (Educational Horizons, 2012, p.18). She encourages using the word “yet” when providing criticism for struggling learners. By using the word yet, “you're telling them that they're on the road but they're not there yet,” (Education Horizons, 2012, p.18). Using the word “yet” encourages growth and helps students understand they are still developing their knowledge and …show more content…

The school where I work is always emphasizing the importance of a growth mindset, so learning about the basics of the mindset and its link to motivation was interesting. Dweck's interview was very well informed, using facts from scientific and psychological studies. The article could have gone more in-depth on what to praise instead of quickly explaining how to constructively criticize. Further research showed that teachers should praise “effort, strategy, and process,” (“Growth Mindset”). Growth mindset greatly influences attitude, specifically, a growth mindset encourages a more positive attitude and openness towards learning. I am a strong believer in having a good work ethic in all things, not just academics. Knowing that a growth mindset can be attached to other areas of life is important to know, and something I intend to share with my students. At my school, a few classrooms have posters on growth mindset that encourage the transition from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. They cover topics like instead of saying “I can't”, say “I can try this instead.” The Bible also encourages a growth mindset in the effort to live in the world and not of it. Romans 12:2 tells us “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,” (ESV). By knowing there is so much more to the world than material things or fixed ideas, we can grow in our faith and better search for God's

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