Growing Up Research Paper

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Growing up being the younger sibling made us look up to our older siblings wanting to be just like them. Seeing them being able to dress differently and not have to wear the same clothes as you make you want to change your wardrobe as well. Having friends over and listening in on their conversations may fascinate you and make you talk differently to your friends because you want to be on the same level as your siblings. Perhaps we see that they eat fewer vegetables and eating more junk which can influence our eating habits into eating more sweets. The more we see their flexibility and freedom the more we want to be like them. Remember when we were growing up and always speculated on why our older siblings always got to stay outside longer than us? This is because our privileges were different based on our different ages. Life, when we were younger, was boring compared to once we are older and off to college because our chores are done …show more content…

Perhaps it is the significance of the age difference between the oldest and the youngest. Having to come in once the street lights come on having to leave your older friends is not fun right? As we get older our outside time begins to lengthen and our days grow longer. Also, when we were younger we could not leave from in front of the momma's eyes otherwise, a butt whooping might be a consequence. The discipline for roaming off our front yard kept us safe from the treacherous, careless outsiders. As we get older and wiser we learn what and what not to do. to protect ourselves. For example, an immature child may approach a predator who is roaming his or her neighborhood that is offering candy and accept the offering. On the other hand, a more mature experienced child will know how to react and to stay away from him or her. As we get older the more freedom and flexibilities seem so good to us especially when we can leave the house at any time of the

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