Growing Up In Poverty Essay

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The way someone is brought up can determine numerous effects and outcomes it will provide for that person. For someone growing up in poverty, the effects can be much more severe in a negative way. Behavioral disorders, lack of proper education, and continuing disease increase are just a few of the possible outcomes that could occur when growing up in a state of poverty. Poverty is a state of being very poor, nowadays it is more frequent that people are being linked to the poverty level. In today’s society it is easy to see that people from less fortunate backgrounds face more hardships. Imagine if you have been going through life, and a hard time is all you know for yourself. For the people that live in poverty that is a reality, success …show more content…

They believe that they are receiving the short end of the stick and in many ways that is true. Therefore, rebellious attitudes as well as improper coping mechanisms to their problems become very aggressive or destructive. The fundamental relationships someone is put into while they are growing up especially starting at a young age will also be a contributing factor to behavior. If a child sees the adults in their life dealing heavily with poverty and facing tribulations negatively, it then puts a heavy burden on that child’s shoulders, leading to an undesirable behavior of their own. Or, if a child in poverty sees a lower accomplishment level for the adult in their life then it instills the mindset that it is not possible to achieve more. In return, this gives them a “can’t do anything” attitude, which makes them constantly reply with an “I can’t” when a situation proves too difficult. Poorer children also have a greater risk of being victims of abuse which also can lead to possible behavior hitches. In chapter two of “Teaching with Poverty in Mind,” the author states that behavior stems from both genetics and environment (Jensen). However, in this case the behavior that was observed from the children was more apathetic and depressing than other circumstances. This was believed to be so because the children are aware of their less fortunate situation and as a result of that obtain the behaviors that they are displaying. Children of poorer households fail to learn proper responses to various situations and often resort to unfortunate tactics, habitually landing them in

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