Persuasive Essay On Children And Poverty

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Poverty is “the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions” (Merriam-Webster dictionary, 2015); in other words, struggling to provide a comfortable living style. It is the cause of family stress and many other problems, especially for the children. Millions of people around the world are struggling with poverty; families suffering to provide enough food seem to be growing in numbers. According to the United States Census Bureau, the poverty rate was highest in the 1960s and decreased greatly in the 1970s. However, it is now slowly starting to increase again. Recently released census data by the Bureau showed that one in five people are living in poverty (Census Bureau, 2014). Poverty is even …show more content…

Being hungry makes an average human being unfocused and emotionally unstable. For children, being hungry is worse because they lack the nutrition to grow and learn. Children will be unable to focus on school because they are too hungry to concentrate on anything else. Most families in poverty struggle to feed their children and can’t afford to buy nutritional food and instead purchase food that is the cheapest with the great amount. Families that do not make enough income rely on food stamps. However, families that make a little, emphasis on the little, over the standard income are disqualified for the program. In other words, they are stuck; they make too little to provide enough food for the table and yet make too much to receive food stamps. There are research findings that have proven children in poverty are more likely to display higher rates of disruptive behavior (Roy & Raver, 2014). For the reason that parents who live in poverty are at higher risk in losing their jobs, working multiple jobs, poor health care, and unsafe neighborhoods, it is difficult for parents to have quality and efficient childcare and healthy parenting styles. Disregarding gender, challenging behaviors have been apparent …show more content…

. World Vision was founded by Reverend Robert Pierce and is funded by grants and donations made by individuals and or families sponsoring a child who lives in high-poverty environments across the world. Because World Vision International is mainly based on child sponsorship, donations, and volunteers, the only important policy they focus on is the Privacy Policy. They are committed to keeping the privacy of their donors and sponsors but warns that they may share some information history to a third party in order to efficiently find other

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