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Social work interview assignment
Social work interview assignment
Limitations and strengths of group dynamics
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People often forget that group dynamics is something that exists in all types of groups. Our groups class was no different. Group dynamics were forever shifting throughout the semester, and that that was very interesting to observe. This is a skill very necessary to help run future groups on my own, so getting some practice in identifying dynamics was very essential to my future practice. Many things influenced this process, which I will break down further below.
Comparison of Group Dynamics
Group dynamics shifted greatly from the start of the semester to the end of the semester. We started out as a room full of people who were for the most part uncomfortable with one another, to a group who supports and works well with each other. I remember
I think it helps that we are all social work majors and have common goals. This creates a natural bond between us. I also think the way this class is set up also helps to naturally create good group dynamics. I think when we had to bring in an introduction activity, that was a turning point. Not only was it a good way to get to know each other and to grow more comfortable, but it was great practice for one day running a group. I think this activity helped everyone get passed the initial nervousness. I think all the other group work also helped bring us more together. Working together successfully with a partner helps to bond you more, and creates a sense of trust. The roleplays themselves also aided group dynamics, because we were vulnerable during it. They started out somewhat difficult, but became very easy near the end. I think the class naturally aids developing group dynamics through all the group work as well as the focus on learning about how to run groups and create group
I applied introduction activities and other bonding activities to get others to open up and share information about themselves. I think I also did a good job directing conversation in the group I was running. The roleplays were especially effective in helping me understand the importance of group dynamics. It is one thing to talk about it, but another to actually practice the skills in a roleplay.
Final Thoughts Overall, I think this class was a great addition to my course load and definitely will influence my future practice. It was effective in its goal to teach us how to recognize group dynamics, and how to influence them in a positive way. I really enjoyed watching our class’ group dynamics grow from basically non-existent to a class of people able to work well together. I think every assignment helped us get to know each other better, while being very practical to our future careers. It was a very enjoyable class, which I think only helped add to the group
In addition to this, I feel that my Team building class gave me good insight into the inner workings and mechanics of how teams work. More work.
Topics explored with this group included; conversational skills, internet safety, bullying, conflict resolution, social media, and personal appearance. Accordingly, I was able to gain insight on how to plan activities tailored to the needs of the group as well as obtain tips on conducting groups effectively. Additionally, I was able to get a sense of the group dynamics, attain knowledge on the stages of a group through observing all the individuals belonging to the group, their uniqueness and how their personality impacted the group itself. Individuals were able to join the group at different stages hence; the forming stage was repeated each time a new member was recruited. This also provided me with the opportunity of gaining first-hand experience of the interaction on the basic dynamics on group stages of forming, norming, storming and
I have worked with groups ALOT, I am an Avid student so every Tuesday and Thursday we break into to small groups and to tutorials. On Friday we do team building and get together with the other class and play games talk about certain things. I work in groups every day in almost all of my classes. I can work with anyone even if we aren't the closest of
Team A concluded that Bruce Tuckman’s 1965 Team Development Model provides one of the best descriptions of group dynamics. It represents the typical group stages experienced by Team A members as they have participated on University of Phoenix teams. It also describes the typical evolution described by Team A members from their team activities at work and social activities. While the group dynamics evolve, changes also take place within the individuals who participate on teams. This is most clearly observed in University of Phoenix teams where individual team members only share a personal goal of achieving a degree. They are not employed by the same company, members of a particular political or social organization, or share other ties. They come from varied backgrounds, countries, and socioeconomic experiences. When forced by the University to work as a team, the members evolve through a predictable process that mimics Tuckman’s Model.
And with impersonality and replaceability it is simple, if the professor or dean were to retire they would need someone to come in and take over the duties they were performing. Being replaceable is important in a university because no one lives forever, being able to have someone come in and take over ensures that things still run smoothly; making sure no one is thrown off of their game with school work or that the staff doesn’t have to worry about their jobs being lost. 4. What is the difference between a.. Group dynamics refers to how we influence a group, and how the group can influence us. In the 1900s, George Simmel analyzed how the size of a group would affect stability and intimacy; he used the term dyad for the smallest group possible.
I felt collected and enthused to start. However, it did take me some time to display my confidence within the group and encourage discussion. This can be explained by 'Bruce Tuckman 's ' model (1965) , which consists of five components: forming, storming, norming,
One model for understanding group development is the five-stage group development model which states that groups go through five stages of forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning (Gibson, el at., 2009). In addition, the model suggests that groups can be in several stages at one time and do not have to move through the stages linearly (Gibson, el at., 2009). While this model has been widely used by individuals, in the study of group dynamics, there is no imperial evidence that this model accurately describes group development (Tuckman & Jensen, 2010). In addition, there is some concern that the model is to static and unrealistic in its explanation of group formation (Gibson, el at., 2009). Another model for group development is the punctuated equilibrium model that suggests that there are only three phases (Gibson, el a...
I really enjoyed the simulation. On the simulation day, I have a chance to strengthen the team-player skills. Although I sometimes still lack confidence to speak up due to my English skill, I believed I have improved my confidence in some level. As I can notice that I am more willing to share the ideas on the activities in this class than the previous classes. Moreover, I have learned from this simulation that it is not necessary to have only one correct choice for the ideas. Different people have different ideas depending on their perspective. Therefore, there could be many solutions for a problem, but to select the best choice; we need to consider many factors and the majority opinions. The simulation also allows me to understand how the real organizations work. It is impossible to efficiently manage the organizations without understanding the four frames.
According to Toseland and Rivas (2005), group dynamics are “the forces that result from the interactions of group members” (p. 64). These forces refer to either the negative or positive influences towards meeting members’ socioemotional needs as well as goal attainment within a group (Toseland & Rivas, 2005), like within my class work group experience. Some of dynamics that continue to emerge and develop in my group is the effective interaction patterns and strong group cohesion, which has generated positive outcomes and group achievement thus far.
Especially, when it comes to physical and emotional responsibility. In our sessions, I felt as though the group leaders provided an enormous sense of emotional support. I felt as though the environment was stable and conducive to learning. The setting at first was somewhat tense, but this was acceptable considering that many of us were unfamiliar with the group therapy process. I myself had never undergone a group therapy session, whatsoever. I did, however, appreciate the fact that the environment was quite fair and impartial. The leaders were very nonjudgmental and affirmative in their responses when it came to each and every person’s comments and feedback. Everyone was engaged and actively participated. The group was not hostile and everyone participated in the conversations as well as the exercises chosen. I also felt as though everyone was emotionally tied in. Meaning that if someone was dealing with a personal issue or their emotions were all over the place then the group was susceptible to that individuals needs. For example, we experienced group member who had experienced the loss of a friend. Immediately, each group member became involved and concerned. We were immediately concerned with whether or not she was taking time to grieve or if she was simply doing enough to take time out for herself. In all, the environment over the course of each therapy session displayed a great sense of empathy, concern and support. Another session, in particular, that truly stands out to me in terms of support was when we were asked to share our life experiences and dreams. I can recall stating that I was going to school in order to finally do something for myself. I had completed my bachelor’s degree at the age of 40 and had plans to continue education until I complete my PhD. What was so different was the fact that they understood. They understood, I was trying
Dynamics are the forces at play that influence the behavior of a group. The feelings of inclusion or exclusion and who is responsible for what or how happy they are with it are some of the dynamics. How the meeting place or office is laid out, openly or as cubicles can affect how a team communicates. The enabling of hidden or side communication verses open group communication can adversely affect a team and the attitude. Rewards and recognition for great ideas and jobs well done should be given fairly and equally. No one should seem to be getting more privileges than others in a team. This could harbor feelings of resentment with the other members of that team. The way in which a team goes about solving problems, company policies or, the "status quo" can also affect the performance of a team (Team 2013).
Through the process of this class I have been able to reflect and analyze how I am as a leader as well as a co-leader in a group setting. I believe throughout this process of being part of a group as a member and leader has help me further define the roles that I will play in group counseling in the future. The evolution that I am seeing are an abundance of growth in areas that I thought I was already comfortable in such as being an active listener and co-leading. I see that there are more to becoming a powerful leader and facilitator. There are various aspects of becoming a well rounded group leader as learning the skills to endure especially building your endurance. Also, being able to take risks, being competent and confidence in your ability to lead a group of any sorts. Moreover, I have found that my communication style has shifted especially learning about the process in which you communicate your informal introduction as well as the lingo that is being used as a counselor. Also, the way in which we approach each member of
During small group time, I was able to circulate around the room. I could assess student understanding informally and in qualitative ways (IE: I noticed that Gabby had a strong answer to a key question), which also helps me to build and foster a strong rapport with my students. I also engaged in small group discussion and asked a few probing questions to groups who needed further gui...
Several experiments and researches have been conducted that have focused on how people behave in groups. The findings have revealed that groups affect peoples’ attitudes, behavior and perceptions. Groups are essential for personal life, as well as in work life.
Principals of Group Dynamics With Thomason Health System establishing an on-boarding team to facilitate the implementation of an electronic medical record system, it is important to take into consideration group dynamics. Groups can be made up of different individuals that are coming together to accomplish a specific goal. " Group dynamics" refers to the attitudinal and behavioral characteristics of a group. Group dynamics concern how groups form, their structure and process, and how they function" (Advameg, n.d.) In developing teams it is a good idea to have a basic sense of the various stages that occur when establishing a team and having awareness throughout the stages helps leadership understand the reasons for team members behaviors that occurred throughout each stage and helps guide these members to moving onto the next stage.