How To Groom Your Pet

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Lesson 5 Grooming Your Pet

Just like us, our pets require steady grooming habits. Grooming is not only healthy for them it is also an inprotant part of bonding with your pet. While bathing is a major part of grooming, let's look at the smaller, yet equallly important, tasks of grooming.
Remember to always be patient with your pet and have a stock of treats at the ready.
Regular brushing is a necessity, no matter the type of coat on your pet. Your pet should be brushed at least once a week, even cats. Though your cat is meticulous at staying clean brushing can reduce shedding which in turn reduces hairballs, which nobody likes. If your animal is heavily furred you might have to brush them daily. Purchase the correct type of brush for your pet's coat and …show more content…

Brushing your pet's teeth is more about plaque and debris and less so about cavities. There are special toothbrushes and pet toothpaste for your dog and cat, don't use human toothpaste for your pet. Plaque can cause the same problems for your pets as for us like heart and gum disease and debris trapped between teeth can rot and cause infection and really stinky breath.
When you start this task with your pet they will probably try to lick and chew, this is fine, give them time to get used to it. Brush your pet's teeth as often as possible to extend the life of your pet and give them a pretty smile too.
Once a week you should clean your pet's ears, maybe more often if they have extra hairy ears. Use an ear cleaner, usually a liquid: not water. Water doesn't evaporate as fast and can get trapped inside the ear. Only use cotton balls or gauze, never swabs. Wiping out your pet's ears regularly keeps you up-to-date on ear mites as well. If you see dark specs like coffee grounds your pet probably has ear mites and it's time for a vet visit. Also watch out for discharge, odor, or

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