Grit In High School Essay

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For Anyone Who Feels Different Do you feel different then everyone else? Grit: firmness of mind or spirit; Unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger. Grit is not a trait you are genetically born with, but a trait you acquire from years of hard work and relentless dedication. Every person has their own individual method on how to pass High School, but High School is like a game and the more you play it, the better you become. There is an abundance of factors that can contribute to ones’ grit. I used perseverance, passion, and inner strength to help motivate me and push me to persevere through the wild jungle known as ‘high school’. First, if you have ever knew anything about me, you know I never really was fond of sitting my anxious, …show more content…

Consequently, by the middle of freshman year, …show more content…

For instance, because of my tendency to subconsciously slack off when it comes to school work, I failed the first three years of High School and found myself involuntarily placed in an alternative High School. Haysville High School, the school full of “bad asses”, people looking for a fresh start, and early graduates. I was discouraged and baffled on why I ended up here. As I scavenged anxiously through the archives of my brain looking for an answer, I followed every possible path and it led me back to the same eye opening answer. The problem was me. While attempting to locate what group I should converse with at lunch and what girl I should try and talk to next, I lost the path that I was traveling on and essentially forgot the entire purpose of school. My mind was in the gutter, but the alternative high school altered my mindset and allowed me to redeem myself. Consequently, eight months later I managed to catch up on the majority of my missing credits and preparing to graduate with the class of 2017, and all the work is credited to the burning passion I have to

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