Grimke High School Monologue

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Scene 1. [Hallway of Grimke High School]

Time The Present

Setting: A silver and white themed hallway,usually buzzing with students chattering as they headed to their respective classes, was now nearly silent, the only sound being heard was the soft pattering of footsteps. The hallway also plays hostess to several black lockers. There is a trashcan close by, littered with balled up paper tossed carelessly around it.

AT RISE: The patter of footsteps become louder and breaks into heavy clacks, heavy breathes softly echoing. RILEY holds a binder, …show more content…

RILEY: [groans] Dammit!

[RILEY mutters curses under her breath, but stopped once hearing another foot of footsteps. RILEY mutters even more.

RILEY: Great. A person to revel in my pain.

KATE:[OFF]Hello?! Um, sit tight! I..I’ll be right there!

[RILEY groans out of annoyance, recognizing the voice.]
RILEY: Of all the people I wanted to see…

[KATE rushes in, confusing the increasing annoyed groans for pain. KATE wears a jean jacket with jeans, a bit of paint splattered all over her outfit, and some smudges even evident on her cheekbones. KATE carries a colorful art book, labeled with K.P, and a satchel of various markers, highlighters, crayons, and pencils.]

KATE:[Out of breath] Oh my god, are you-

[KATE abruptly stops, realizing who it was. RILEY inspects her, then snorts.]

RILEY: Hey K. Vinci. Don’t mind me. Just chilling on the floor for kicks.

[KATE begins to shake a little, which causes RILEY to lose her smirk and frown.]

RILEY: Hey, okay? Sorry if I was a bit-

KATE:[breathes then glares] Unoriginal?

[RILEY then returns the glare. KATE quickly looks away, hides her dejected look, and notices the papers scattered all over the hallway floor. She frantically starts picking them up at first, but stops, gives RILEY a half hearted scowl, and slows down to look

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