Gratitude Interventions Paper

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Gratitude interventions can sustain someone's subjective well-being as in other words as gratitude derived in Latin refers to the words of “kindness, generosity, and the appreciation life” (Pruyser, 1976). Understanding the relevance of gratitude interventions benefiting someone's well-being is expressed through the general desire and interest in gratitude to help the public by opening participants to the studies of gratitude interventions. Gratitude interventions according to a vast variety of studies that suggest its intention for these experiments is to see if people's well-being would be improved by simply writing down what they were grateful for (Emmons and McCullough 2003). The studies within these gratitude interventions revolved around …show more content…

These studies do show an increase in participation's subjective well-being, but are not definite in how long these effects last for and if they can be sustained for longer periods of time. In each study by placing a state of gratefulness through these exercises did lead to emotional, physical and interpersonal benefits, which helped the participant's subjective well-being (Emmons and McCullough 2003). The short period of these exercises was too short as well to actually examine if they received a qualifiable increase in their subjective well-being to be consistent for more then those 2-3 weeks. Dickerhoof (2007) designed an experiment, which he gave the choice to the students to choose from one of the two exercises, one boosted your happiness and the other your cognitive skills. The students were informed that being in either group would increase their subjective well-being. They had to write their best possible self or write letters about gratitude. As predicted the students had more effects of increased well-being with happiness, this was a form of a controlled study that showed that students are easily predictable to be more grateful to be in the

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