Gothic Story

1024 Words3 Pages

I will not tell you

Of my name

Nor the reason I am here

I only tell you I am watching,

And that I am near


I send you these instructions

As desire for some revenge

So do not fly

When I tell you this

Kill orphans

Or you die


As the carriage stopped beneath the archway, Elizabeth Cockles jumped out and looked around her. Above her head was a tall archway of trees that edged the pathway to the house. As she got closer, Elizabeth realised that “mansion” was a more correct way to describe it.

Once one got nearer, the archway opened up until one could see the whole front of the house in a somehow eerie way. Around the windows grew ivy and creepers, twisting their way up to the roof in a claw like fashion. The windows themselves were sparkling clean, but the curtains were drawn in most of them, even though it was almost noon. The doors were of solid pieces of dark oak and the two windows above it seemed to give the whole house a rather formidable look.

The reason that she was here was simple, but cost her much to say it. Her mother had died in a fire a month before, and her father had been a drunk who was hanged for murder three years beforehand. She had been invited to the Carew orphanage by her aunt who worked there and had done for over thirty years.

Elizabeth rang the bell, and stood at the door with her small bag, waiting. Eventually a small, slender woman that could not have been older than twenty answered.

“Yes? Can I help you, miss?”

“Hello, yes, I am looking for Mrs. Cockles? I am her niece.”

No sooner where the words out of her mouth, than old Auntie Cockles came bustling to the door. She was just the same as Elizabeth remembered her, small, plump, busy as a bee, with glasses that frames her kind, warm...

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... pleased with the way you have done your task

Now only one more left,

A girl called Elizabeth,

That should do,

And I hear you have one in your midst,

Do you?


Dear X

Please do not make me kill anymore, I have done all that you requested, you only asked for four, and I have done as you wished, ao please leave me be. Elizabeth is such a nice girl, I do not wish to kill her of all people. I am great friends also with her aunt, and it would break her heart to have her own niece go missing like the others.

I cannot kill Elizabeth, and you cannot make me, for the lord will protect me from all evil.

Miss P Samuels

Miss P Samuels was found dead the next morning in her bedroom. She had a cracked skull that showed the brain, and the letter that she had written was stuffed inside her skull along with the note that said:

“I asked for five, now I have five”


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