Gollum Research Paper

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Gollum, also known as Sméagol was a creature who bore the One Ring. He lived in the Misty Mountains for most of his life. In T.A. he lost the Ring to Bilbo Baggins. For the rest of his life he sought to recover his "precious" "birthday present". In T.A. he followed the Fellowship of the Ring and met Frodo Baggins. After leading Frodo into Mordor and betraying him to Shelob he finally seized the Ring in Sammath Naur. In his euphoria he died and destroyed the Ring after falling into the cracks of Mount Doom. Many years before The hobbit, Gollum went fishing with a good buddy of his, Deagol, in the Gladden fields. What these Hobbit guys did not know is that they were fishing at the site where Isildur died. The Ring had been sitting in this marsh …show more content…

The ring had so much darkness that it turned the hobbit smeagol into a ugly creature and got the name gollum. Gollum is a skinny slimy creature. He is a greyish, blueish. He has voices in his head, and that causes him to talk to himself a lot. He get angry and frustrated very easily. He now takes possession of the ring, but he also gives the ring and automatic hold on his mind. Gollum's family drove Gollum out of their community, he goes and he lives by himself in the dark under the Misty Mountains. Gollum is a modern day trickster, he uses lying, deceit, hunger , and ambiguity to trick Frodo and Sam into situations where he might be able to the The One Ring away from them. He may be little, but that creature is very sneaky and intelligent. Gollum has another side to him that we see on several occasions. Smeagol is his caring side that is innocent and doesn’t want to hurt the hobbits but Gollum is driven by the hunger for the ring. Gollum, perhaps more than any other character,, hays the ambiguity that Hynes was alluding to. He often shows both sides of his mind where oe is in favor of helping Sam and Frodo and one only has the ring in his

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