Going For The Look Summary

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In the article “Going for the Look” by Steven Greenhouse it verbalizes about why companies hire certain people to sell their products. Marshal Cohen, a senior industry analyst with the NPD Group states that it is obligatory for habiliments companies to only hire people that fit the companies image. He believes that having a “walking billboard” would avail engender an environment that magnetizes people. Cohen thinks that by having resplendent people sell resplendent attire it would make more people want to buy their products. Companies will do whatever they can do to sell their products and I disagree with this strategy. I disagree with Cohen’s argument because I think a company's image is less important than just selling the product. Companies image now a days is a big deal to companies because they think its going to attract more people to their stores. Image is everything to companies. When I walk into a store im not looking for the people who represent it im looking for clothes that I want to buy. If someone is ugly that is something they cannot control. People should be hired for a job based on experience not how they look. It is immoral what companies are doing because people with potential for the job don't get hired. This strategy should only be used for people who have to be good …show more content…

For example, Abercrombie & Fitch was charged with racial discrimination, for only hiring caucasian employees or with that “All American Look”. It is verbally expressed that any race can be hired at Abercrombie, but people who weren't preppy and caucasian worked in the back where they could not be optically discerned. I thought we lived in the Cumulated States “the land of the free” but for a company to represent racial discrimination is just wrong. People can't control how they look just like how they can't control the color of their

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