Goals and Benefits of Psychology

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Psychology is the new science researching about human behaviors and why they alter. According to Feldman, psychology is the "scientific study of behavior and mental processes" (2013, p. 4). There are four basic goals of psychology, which are to describe, understand, predict, and control behavior. Suppose a group of psychologists are trying to investigate why some people express aggression more than others. They already described and understood the problem, so an experiment would be created. Based on the behavior pattern results, the psychologists must predict the reasoning and help certain people control their anger. The purpose of the four goals is to help researchers gain knowledge, and discover solutions to the problems (or disorders) that have been haunting humans.
To further explain human behavior in different ways, psychologists use the five major perspectives (neuroscience, cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, and psychodynamic). The neuroscience perspective includes how people and nonhumans function biologically (Feldman, 2013). It describes how the joining of nerve cells or how the characteristics of ancestors will affect behaviors. Neuroscience perspective understands that humans get their behaviors from either nature (heredity) or nurture (environmental factors). With the prediction that the nervous system affects performance, psychologists cured mental disorders to help people take control of their own behavior. As for the cognitive perspective, psychologists try to describe how people view and think about the world. They also understand that people's knowledge about the surroundings will influence their (people's) behavior. For example, if they are in a dark neighborhood, everyone stereotypically imagine shootings. Ps...

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... for both of my dilemmas, I will be able to strengthen my speaking skills. When I properly communicate with my future patients, they might feel more comfortable and come to my hospital. I will be able to assist more people; psychology would make me a better doctor, and overall a better human being.
Psychologists have been trying diligently to predict and explain human behavior, so everyone can improve their lives. The goals and perspectives of psychology are giving researchers more knowledge, so a better world is yet to come. However, there are still issues present (like nature versus nurture), but they all will be solved real soon.

Works Cited

Feldman, R. S. (2013). Psychology and Your Life. Boston: Mc-Graw Hill.
McLeod, S. (2007). Nature Nurture in Psychology. Retrieved from

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