Gmo Persuasive Essay

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Thirty years ago an average person could walk into any grocery store and purchase their desired food product without many fears. They could confidently purchase a stalk of corn or a bag of potato chips knowing that consuming them will not put their health at risk . They could happily purchase fresh fruits and vegetables knowing that they have been grown naturally in an environmentally friendly, chemical free and safe environment. Thirty years later, this is not the case. Today, consumers are kept in the dark and are part of an uncontrolled, unregulated mass human experiment known as genetic engineering . The result of this experiment are genetically modified organisms. Genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) are a large group of organisms …show more content…

It is not only a threat to human health, but also our natural environment. In fact, most scientists agree that the main safety issues of genetically engineered crops involve not people but the environment. As a result, this report discusses the effect that GMOs have on land masses that contain living organisms and crops and how this is harmful to the earth and our future. Furthermore, I will base my research on statistics and facts discovered in the twenty first century, particularly focusing on North …show more content…

Without it, no living being on this planet could survive. The use of genetic modified organisms is severely threatening biodiversity. When genetically modified crops interact with their environment they are disturbing the natural process through which species interact with one another and their ecosystems. Firstly, genetically modified crops get rid of wild plants and lead to the production of weed. Weeds are dangerous as they create competition for growing crops which disturb how plants naturally interact with their environment. Crops will have to compete for resources that are essential to their lives. This includes light, water and nutrients in soil. Furthemore, the production of weeds will repel insects necessary for the plants survival; once again threatening biodiversity. Furthermore Genetically modified crops have built in pest control and chemicals which risks the health of animals that consume the crop. This indirectly leads to a reduction of animals and insects that are dependent on one another. Chemicals that are designed to resist pests and herbicides not only affect the target insects but insect and animals that are not targeted. A common example would be bees. Bees are vital for food production and human development. Without them, the development of life on earth would have been much different. Foods that we consume on a daily

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