Gloria Steinem's The Time Factor

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In her essay, The Time Factor, Gloria Steinem successfully provides an impeccable sample of persuasive writing. She does so by initially using the persuasive technique of including comparisons to support her argument. In one comparison, Steinem explains the differeces between each of the three societal classes: “The rich and the middle class can plan for future generations, but the poor can plan ahead only a few weeks or days” (Steinem 276). This is a valuable persuasive technique primarily because it uses logic and reason to influence the rational side of the reader’s mind to strengthen the argument. By doing so, the reader is more likely to believe the information presented and thus, give credibility to the point. Comparison also aids in …show more content…

Another example showcasing how Steinem created a flawless model of persuasive writing is her use of incorporating anecdotes into her text. This is shown when she uses an anecdote to elaborate on her point of how planning is all dependent on how you were born into society, let that be rich or poor, male or female, Caucasian or Hispanic, Steinem introduces some situations that she or people that she knew had faced in their lives that showed this point thoroughly (Steinem 278). One particular anecdote that she used described of a “successful black journalist” who understood the “sense of powerlessness” as he acknowledged that “even after twenty years” of working as a correspondent, “he planned only one assignment at a time” and still cannot “forget his dependence on the approval of white editors” (Steinem 278). Using anecdotes especially when writing persuasive texts is beneficial because they are for one good reinforcements to use when lacking scientific, statistical or factual proof. Anecdotes are also much simpler for the reader as someone’s testament is easier to believe as opposed to comprehending complex information and technical

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