Globalization In Belize's Belize Culture

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Preliminary Thesis
The spread of globalization has led to the destruction of Sand Hill’s indigenous culture and created a new local culture dominated by females.

Economy: Belize has an economy entirely centralized around tourism and exports: Sugarcane, bananas and citrus
Belize’s centralized economy provides few opportunities outside of its main exports, as a result, a large proportion of the population must travel in order to find work. Sand hill in particular has little to no fertile farmland and is not a tourist attraction, creating a poor environment for the contribution to the economy. Consequently, most of the males in the area must travel to find work, most often in Belize City or other large surrounding cities where there …show more content…

Similar to the changes in the financial landscape, long distance communication provides the ability for the men to maintain their relationships with their families back home. The long distance communication enforces the female household dominance in two ways: ability for the men to remain far from their families and the inability for the men to enforce their dominance in households, leaving the duty to the females. Both of these aspects increase the responsibilities of females in the households, strengthening their dominance in the community.

Irrelevant Information
Transportation as a main point is irrelevant, lack of transportation is not something that is due to globalization but economic disparity within the communities. Instead of using it as a main point, I believe it can be effective as supporting evidence within one of my other main points, if used at all. It does support why it is difficult for the men to get back home, so it can be effective if paired with a main point such as the economy, showing that the men need to leave home because of job opportunities but have trouble getting home due to the lack of transportation.

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This will tell me about the exact opportunities within the district and how they contributed to the local culture. I could also go more in-depth into the dependence on imports for regular consumer goods. Due to their focus on stimulating the economy through exports, there is very little domestic trading, thus leaving the females in the households with the responsibility of either growing their own food or to find the necessary goods in the

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