Global Warming: The Causes And Consequences Of Global Warming

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Global warming is the the increased temperature in the earth’s atmosphere. That the world is getting hotter and hotter. It is caused by all the greenhouse gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone). When all these gases are spread up to the atmosphere, they cause global warming. The one that has a big effect is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is something naturally occurring all around our earth. It absorbs heat from the sun’s energy. Some of that heat will be released into the atmosphere. When it goes up it tends to stay the longest out of all the other gases. It doesn't have a reacting factor, it has a controlling factor, it doesn't just go away like water vapor so that makes it stay longer. Global warming has many proof to it. Droughts, naturals fires,water rising levels have increased over the years. That is because of excess heat from global warming. …show more content…

Every year it gets worse and it can end up bad. Over the years everything is increasing so in the future it will be much worse than now. First hurricanes and storms are most likely to be a lot stronger. Floods and droughts are going to be more common. Also there will be so much less fresh water available. Many species can’t depend on each other anymore. Plants will bloom earlier, this causes animals to find food sources earlier and that will end up catastrophic. Many more diseases will be spread like malaria. Many ecosystems will change. Many animals could get extinct. An example that in the past their used to be more ice and more fish for polar bears, but now it decreased and polar bears became skinnier. If this continues they will of course be extinct. Lastly sea levels will rise. For humans it will lead to more natural fires and heat strokes, that’s unhealthy. Their will be many food shortages for us

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