Ghost Sightings

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Paranormal activity better known as parapsychology is a non-fictional idea. Parapsychology is the scientific study of interactions between living organisms and their external environment that seem to transcend the known physical laws of nature. (Teresi, 2000) The Society of Psychical Research was established in London in 1882 (Teresi, 2000). Major parapsychological studies had not begun appearing in mainstream scientific journals until the sixties and early seventies (Teresi, 2000).“Furthermore, groups such as the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) which publishes the Skeptical Inquirer and the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) have been formed to disseminate credible information on the paranormal. Credibility should be less of a problem in the future” (Teresi, 2000).
A ghost is a soul that appears as a dead person or is against a living person. Most people still believe in ghosts even though they have not seen one. The first sightings of ghosts date back to 856 A.D (Stories, 2014). Ghosts mostly make loud noises and disturbances to let people know that they are in the midst. In the first century A.D., the great Roman author and statesman Pliny the Younger recorded one of the first seen ghost stories in his letters, which became noticeable for their bright story of life during the peak of the Roman Empire. The world around us has become more technical with the findings and history of ghosts not cited correctly (Stories, 2014)). The place ghosts come from or occupy varies depending on their spiritual abilities. Ghosts feel more comfortable in a place that is unrestrained and enables them to move freely (Zamora, 2014).

3 Accounts
Account 1
Lori Ann Alvarez said she was fiv...

... middle of paper ... see her. She also should have been able to pick her out from anybody because she knew exactly what the elderly women had on. One was honest with telling the evidence in this account.

Works Cited

Alvarez, L. A. (2006, August 9). Ghost Encounters. Retrieved from Your ghost Stories:
Clarke, S. (2013). Retrieved from Where do ghosts come from?
Stories, H. g. (2014). Retrieved from History of Ghosts.
Teresi, S. (2000). The Current State of Parapsychology Research. Retrieved from
Zamora, A. (2014). Scienitfic Psychic. Retrieved from Ghosts and Spirits in Folklore and Religion:

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