Ghost Shark Research Paper

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Ghost Shark

What different type of sea create are in the deep sea ? Have you ever heard of the Ghost shak if you haven’t the Ghost shark is a deep sea shark,maybe that’s why you haven’t heard about it. According to Cathleen Bester Ghost shark have branched off the shark 400 millions years ago and how it's somewhat different from the sharks. The Ghost shark has a small structure located in on its snout,there mouth are located behind their snout. They have three pairs of tooth plates,the upper jaw are sharp and their like blades,the lower jaw is flat and its use ot crunch it’s pray and their teeth continue to grow. Their bodys are smooth and color is silver white. Also there eye color are green and large that are just set high top of their …show more content…

A Ghost shark isn’t exactly a shark,it’s a mixture between elasmobranchs and shark. Ghost sharks are only found in the pacific of Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia. Also as you may know Ghost Shark swim in very deep water,back then they it was hard to know what they what they look because of how they swim in the deep but recently that technology has advanced we are able to know how sort of they look like and to know which two they belong to. Recently they found Ghost shark in California and Western Hawaii and on video,Ghost sharks are to fast to be caught in ROV,remotely operated vehicle, which is very surprising a Ghost Shark was caught in video. This author's conclusion that Ghost shark are a very special species in there own way just like many other …show more content…

Torres states they environment they live in,biology,height,and weight. There are marine ofcourse, in deep water in 34s-47s,deep range 25-950m,usually 100 -600m. They feed on shellfish,worms,small fish and crustacean it’s what they feed them self with. Their length could be up to 96.0 cm it’s a common length,55.0cm tall it’s also a common height. Ghost sharks are usually in New Zealand and Australia . The author conclusion Ghost sharks are a very stable sharks that live in the deep sea,go for easier pray and it’s common pray. Another idea,by Lauren Fruen september 11,2017 is how deep they go and how big they are. 3 feet long that’s how long they are. The Ghost shark aren’t like the tiger shark and grey whites that go for big prey instead they go for smaller pray. They saw it traveling 67,000 foot down depth. Ghost shark are a special shark,why, they are only sharks that go down deep in the ocean. In conclusion Lauren Fruen says Ghost sharks aren’t normal shark,well many sharks are

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