German Presentation - Meine Schule
Meine Schule
Ich gehe auf den Queen Elizabeth gymnasium. Sie liegt in der stadt
Horncastle, nicht weit von Lincoln. Ich denke, daβ die Schule gross
und ziemlich modern ist. Wir haben eine grosse Aula, viele Labor und
ein Lehrerzimmer, eine moderne Turnhalle und drei Informatikräume und
einen guten Schulhof seitdem es viele Schüler und Schülerin gibt. Ich
besuche diese Schule seit zehn Monate, weil ich von London umziehen
Ich denke dass meine Schule sehr gut ist weil die lehrer und lehrerhin
hilfsbereit sind. Die Schüler müssen eine schuluniform in der Schule
tragen. Ich muss ein Hemd, einen Schlips und einen blauen Rock tragen.
Ich glaube, daβ die Schuluniform zu militärisch und auch sehr
altmodisch ist.
Mein lieblingsfach ist Erdkunde, weil es sehr interessant ist und ich
lerne Deutsch um meine sprachliche kompetenz zu verbessen. In einer
typischen Mathestunde rechnen wir und dann schreiben wir die antworten
in das Heft. Normalerweise geben die lehrer mir zu viele hausaufgaben
Was würdest du lieber zur Schule tragen?
Ich würde lieber freizeitkleidung tragen weil sie bequemer als die
Schuluniform sind, auch ich denke dass die Schuluniform zu militärisch
ist. Freizeitkleidung ist besser, weil es als die Schuluniform
prakischer ist, aber die Schuluniform ist einfacher Morgens und man
kann die soziale schicht nicht erkennen.
Würdest du lieber in eine deutsche Schule oder eine englische Schule
Ich würder lieber in Deutschland zur Schule gehen, weil der deutche
schultag um ungerfähr ein Uhr endet. Der schultag ist kürzer als in
einer englischen schule auch die deutschen schüler dürfen zu Hause zum
mittagessen essen und Sie keine schuluniform tragen aber in
Deutschland unglücklicherweise müssen die Eltern die schulbücher
kaufen, auch gibt es normalerweise keine kantine in der schule. Ich
würde lieber ganz früh aufstehen, weil ich dann nachmittags mehr
Freizeit hatte.
Was hast du gestern in der Mittagspause gemacht?
Gestern bin ich in der mittagspause in die Kantine gegangen, weil ich
hungrig war.
Many Americans can link their heritage to German origins. However, the German’s values, norms and beliefs have shifted when combined with American culture. Within Germany’s culture, there are common themes of organization, compartmentalization, and formality. The interaction between these themes of values, norms and beliefs influences the German culture, structured society, and worldview. While there are similarities between German and American culture, these two countries have difference views on human psychie.
On Wednesday, November 16, 2011, Katherine Stang, Aresh Kabirnavaei, and Andrew Roller, all students in the Master’s of Forensic Science program gave thesis presentations to the Forensic Seminar Class. The following paragraphs will summarize each topic.
Picture the worst thing you could ever imagine. Gore, violence, murder, complete and utter horror. Now, multiply this by 100. You have nearly created the Holocaust.Some say it was the darkest period in history.If you asked me, however, I would tell you it was beyond your worst nightmare.
Have you ever wondered about the people who lived before or during the Holocaust? How about the people who would put jews or other people in gas chambers? Well right now you will learn about Adolf Eichmann, one of the most dangerous people during the Holocaust, he would put Jews in gas chambers and shoot them.
Hello and welcome to this special edition of ‘World in Focus.’ Tonight we commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Shoah (also known as the Holocaust). I’m Audra Kahill and I thank you for joining me tonight. In our program we have Eliezer Wiesel, a holocaust survivor, sharing his experiences. We will also focus on the Catholic Church’s struggles throughout the Shoah and discuss reasons for changed emphasis between Pope Pius XII’s Christmas address to the 1965 Papal Document on Non-Christian Religions. We will also explore how the teachings of Jesus and the Catholic Social Teachings are modelled through André Trocmé, a rescuer of the Jews.
In class we had a powerful speaker, Ari Schonbrun from Cantor Fitzgerald that came to speak to us about his life-changing experience on September 11, 2001. After the discussion I began to process the advice, and after contemplation I realized that I was being reminded of the legacy I want to leave and the story I want to be written about my life. For example, he asked a question “Does anyone have a dream?” YOu would like with what’s going on in the world, people would hope that somehow they can make a difference. So I responded “I want to be one of the most powerful people that made a tremendous impact in the world.” I wouldn’t know what to call myself because I don’t just want to be label under one category, I want to utilize my skills, passion
I am honored to be considered for National honor society and believe I would make a good and active member of this organization. Throughout high school, I have not been very involved in school activities, although I regret that I did not start sooner, I believe that National Honor Society is not only a very high achievement, but it also matches my beliefs and is something that I would like to participate in. Not only would I like to get more involved in the High School community, but also in the community as a whole. NHS provides this opportunity through community service and projects that require cooperation with my peers.
The house was builded with a clear intention as a residential purpose for Mrs. Truus and her children. The house is Avant Garde, in the way that it was a reflection of the Plastic Art movement - De Stijl in Netherland. The house is a bright example of inventing a new architectural language in the dawn of Twentieth century 's Modernism period. With the innovation of structural technology, architects such as Rietveld have begun to exchange the idea of flexibility in interior structure such as mobiles planes, movable walls, and screens. The Schroder house represents the idea of open and free spaces, with movable partitions that serves different programs. In visual esthetic, the flexible of space and arrangement of colors create an interactive space, yet at the same time is functional and lively. At the result, the house creates an opportunities for individuals to focus on the rituals of their daily
She tells me, This is how you make chocolate cake from scratch. No, don’t crush the egg because then you’ll get shells in the batter. Don’t forget to clean the lint out of the dryer before putting in the next load so it doesn’t start a fire. Make sure towels and sheets are washed in hot water.
Imagine one day you’re outside with your fellow jewish friends on the streets of Berlin, Germany. Only the next day men clothed in uniform with a machine gun hoisted by both hands storm your home and forcefully take you and your relatives away to a fenced, cramped, and dirty place that you have never seen before. These soldiers, you learn, are known as Nazis lead by dictator Adolf Hitler. And you have been transported to a ghetto, a place where these Nazis would keep their prisoners. This attack on you and your family stripped you of your innocence and made you become more adult like and less childish. Unfortunately only a couple of days later you are led to a bunker and told you are being given a shower. Yet you have been mislead and now the
Let’s just say it: The Socialist Left cares more about gun confiscation than commonsense ideas that will really protect kids.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and can tell a thousand tales. Just what exactly is this saying? (Visual of a bad snap shot… finger in shot)
I finally have the power! After a semester of taking a course about hiding glossophobia as best as I can, while juggling critical thinking and persuasion skills in a public speaking setting. I have finally been given the power to judge others, who have set out on the path of becoming a great public speaker, on how well they can hide their own fear of public speaking. Countless minutes have I spent throughout the semester looking for a good speaker to write my critique paper on; someone interesting, speaking about an interesting topic. Someone I deemed the perfect victim of my judgement! In the end I found no one was actually worthy, and I had to resort to the speech intramurals at DVC (also the extra credit was very enticing).
My public speaking class has already enhanced my knowledge and my ability to give speeches greatly. I know that with time and experience in public speaking, I will become a more skilled and professional public speaker. I will be sharing my first thoughts about my public speaking class, my strengths and weaknesses as a speaker, the speech I am most proud of so far, the speech that was the most difficult so far, and areas I know I need to improve on in order to be a skilled public speaker. Although I have had previous engagements with public speaking in high and middle school, none can be compared to the nervousness I felt about speaking in college level classes.
middle of paper ... ... It also analyzed the influences of modern dresses. As Palmer and Clark (2005) mentioned earlier, both decades are the classic era in fashion history.