Geraldine Family Therapy Case Studies

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Geraldine has become disrespectful at school. She often talks back to her teachers and gets in fights with other students. School is another caregiving system of Geraldine’s. Since going through this traumatic event, Geraldine feels easily attacked and is very guarded. She is often getting in trouble. It can be hard for a teacher to understand why a student is acting a certain way. Geraldine’s teacher was recently informed of the event, which has helps when dealing with Geraldine’s behaviors. Geraldine’s behaviors also contribute to the core concept of “children can exhibit wide range of reactions to trauma and loss” (The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2018). Geraldine’s behaviors have completely changed since the death of her mother. Geraldine is on edge and often scared something will happen to her or her sister. She has a lack of interest in school and often acts out when other peer confront her. This shows traumatic can affect each individual differently. Although, at home Geraldine seems reserved and spaced out, she is very aggressive in school. Relating Geraldine’s needs to these core concepts help the social worker implement the best treatment. Geraldine and her family would benefit from home base services since Geraldine’s grandmother does not drive. Geraldine would also benefit from individual therapy as …show more content…

TST suggest pharmacological intervention when the child is a safety risk and in danger of hurting others around them (Brown, Hansen & Saxe, 2018). Geraldine has become more aggressive in school and could be considered a safety risk. Geraldine’s behaviors are very different from her norm. This does not necessarily mean she needs to be prescribed medications. The use of TST and a therapy will monitor her behavior changes, if there is any. If Geraldine does not seem to be benefiting from treatment alone, a medication can be prescribe to address and decrease her aggression and

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