Balancing Personal Interests and Academic Challenges in Education

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I completely agree. As a Journalism major. I need to constantly find something to keep my interest in my writing. By writing about something I like, I am able to stay intrigued and produce quality work. Schools should involve the student’s personal interest more when teaching, at least for writing. This allows a student to write about a subject they have studied their whole life instead of the one the teacher just assigned. When students are engaged in a subject they like; the product would most likely be higher, but they still need the academic challenge of learning something that is not in your comfort zone. Schools should have a happy balance between the two. Allowing sometimes to write in their comfort zone but also challenge them with harder material. By challenging them with a subject that is foreign, a student can truly show true mastery of a skill.
“Sports is only one of the domains of whose potential for literacy training (and not only for males) is seriously underestimated by …show more content…

If someone is not challenged, they become complacent and their quality will start to deteriorate. Also, they will never show true mastery because they only write about a subject they like. “Students do need to read models of intellectually challenging writing…If they are to become intellectual themselves,” (Graff 265). Students need to study harder subjects to show that they truly understand. Writing about personal interest is great for the start but to become skilled, a student must leave their comfort zone. I was told by my newspaper advisor to step out of my comfort zone, I did and wrote on of the best things I have ever written, an Op-Ed piece about a friend of mine that was shot. I was giving an award by SNO (School Newspaper Online) and my paper was added to their best of

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