George Frideric Handel Research Paper

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Jacob Roach 1\23\18 8th Grade George Frideric Handel was born on February 23rd , 1685, and died April 4th,1759. From an early age Handel was drawn to music like a moth to a flame, but his father Georg objected due to him fearing music wouldn’t be a good source of income , he's father didn't even allow him to own an instrument. His mother Dorothea on the other hand was very supportive and encouraged him to follow his passion. In Handels youth he was granted the opportunity to play the organ for the duke’s court in Weissenfels where he met a composer and organist named Frideric Zachow. Zachow was very impressed with Handel and wished for him to become a student and he accepted, under the guidance of Zachow, Handel was able to

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