Genetically Modified Super Soldiers

651 Words2 Pages

Genetic engineering has made lots of changes and improvements in our daily lives. Now, it has come to improve our human body. Currently, military is working on creating super soldiers. Soldiers around the world are needed to fight in wars to protect their own nation. Apart from using weapons to attack, we still need them to physically stand on the first line of the war. However, soldiers have their body limitations, they will get tired, injured or hungry after periods of continuous working just like other people. Then they will have to rest, this is really dangerous, especially during the middle of wars, because we might not have enough soldiers fighting at the time and the resources are limited on the battlefield. Creating super soldiers is going to solve this problem, and it will become an upgrade in the whole human generation, and will certainly alter the human evolution in the future.

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is currently working on a project on upgrading soldiers’ physical abilities, the soldiers of the future will be genetically modified into super soldiers capable of some usual super feats. Such abilities includes making the soldiers able to run at Olympic without special training, carry huge weights, be able to go for days without food or sleep, immunity to pain, faster healing and ability to regrow broken or lost limbs. This technology is a study involves genetic engineering. Genetic engineering means the change and modification of the characteristics of an organism by controlling its genetic material. The genetic material can be a part or group of genes, a whole or group of DNA molecules, a fragment of DNA or the entire genome. (BBC) The genes contain the information of what we look like, our h...

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...t are we, ready to accept this challenge and take this risk? Are we ready to play god?

Works Cited

BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Genetic engineering. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Methods Of Classifying And Identifying Microorganisms. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Michael Snyder (n.d.). U.S. Super Soldiers Of The Future Will Be Genetically Modified Transhumans Capable Of Superhuman Feats. Retrieved from
The Renegade (n.d.). Genetically Engineering Superhumans by The Renegade | Sciences 360. Retrieved from

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