Genesis 18

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Genesis 18 is the story of Abraham and his three mysterious visitors. This one of the many complicated text in the Bible. Many faiths and researchers have different interpretations of this passage. However, the question, which we must ask, is; what are the scriptures in Genesis 18 trying to say? It is not as clear as other literature text that are read today there are many questions that arise from this passage such as who were there three men? Where was Sarah? How did Abraham know they were messengers from God?

The Passage begins with Abraham out by his tent on a hot day when the lord appears to him. One problem with the interpretation of this is the use of the word " lord" does this mean God himself or a divine being. I believe that the words LORD and God were inter-changeable in the Bible text. It is important to remember that these stories were written many years after they original were told this can be away of speech that it might not been allowed to say the name of God unless in prayer and since this is a story they use the word LORD instead so they would not be sinning. One might wonder what is meant by "the terebinth Mamre" is also translated in other Bible texts as " in the plains of Mamre" I believe this is just a change by translation or that the real definition of the word of terebinth is not known whish I believe can be some problem with the Bible translation in general. But in this case it an ways it is just giving the location of Abraham's tent with him and his wife.

Another common question with this verse arises in the first verse, which says that the Lord appeared to Abraham. Is this a continuation of the previous story or is this the opening of a new story? I think that t...

... middle of paper ... God is all great and rewards those who follow him as he does by blessing Sarah and Abraham with a child. Lastly this is also showing the power if God and a lesson to women. I understand that the influence of ones growing up and biases they are taught can influence their interpretation of a Bible passage I tried to look at this passage as openly as possible.

Works cited

1. Calvin, John Calvin's Commentaries Volume1 copyright 1948, WM B Eerdmands publishing company

2. Alter, Robert Genesis new York W.W. Norton & Company copyright1996

3. The New American Bible Alanta Catholic Bible press copyright 1970


5. Davidson, Stibbs, and Kevan The New Bible Commentary W M B WM B Eerdmands publishing company Copyright June 1965

6. Genesis 18 copy right 1999- 2003

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