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Comparing and contrasting the bible and the quran proclamin
Comparing and contrasting the bible and the quran proclamin
Compare and contrast the compilation of the Bible and the Qur'an
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In both the Qur’an and the Bible, the take home message that Christians and Muslims learn about in the story of Noah is that they should have faithfulness toward God. This is because he will guide his followers on the right path and will show his tenderness and kindness to those that believe in him. This message of being faithful is repeated numerous amounts of times with other prophets of the Bible and the Qur’an. The stories of Abraham and Moses relate to how putting faith and trust into God will make a significant and life changing impact to a person. In Abraham’s story, God called him to leave his comfortable life so that God could make him into a great nation. Abraham believed in God and did as he was told and soon after that he had a
In the story of Noah's Ark (Genesis 6-9), Noah was the only one who had pleased God. So, God Instructed Noah to build a huge Ark in which he, his family, and two of every kind of animal would be safe from the flood that He would send to rid the world of the wicked and sinful people.
Covenant according in bible's point of view is a promise made by God to man. According to the book of Genesis, Chapter 6 Verse 13, as a result of human's disobedient and evil ways on earth, God had planned to put an end to humanity with flood. The covenants between God and Noah was established in Genesis Chapter 9 Verse 11. God promised Noah and his descendants, never again would he destroy the earth by flood of water because of the pleasant sacrifice offered to God by Noah. God also confirmed his covenant by putting up signs in the sky in the form of a rainbow. The reason Noah and his family weren’t destroyed in the flood was because Noah found grace in God's sight. What this means is that God do not establish any kind of covenant with just anyone. Clearly Abel, Noah and Abraham were unshakable, upright and obedient towards God’s command.
What is the difference between Islam and Christianity? I chose this question because I do not know much about Islamic religion, and I believe many people are ignorant to the true teachings of the Quran and Muslim beliefs. I wanted to finally get the answer to this big question. Today these are two of the largest practiced religions in the world. They both base their religions in the belief of one God as the creator of the universe, so what makes them different? Both religions believe there is a heaven and hell, there is a judgment day and that God sent prophets (John the Baptist, Moses, Noah etc.) to spread the word, they both believe in the coming of Jesus Christ, and the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary. With all these similarities and more it may be hard not to confuse the two.
Following the creation story of the book of Genesis is the book of Exodus. In Genesis, God promised Abraham a “great nation from which all nations of the earth will be blessed (Gen 12:1-3)” and in Exodus God completes this promise through the creation of the holy nation, Israel. Exodus tells the story of the God who rescued his people out of Egypt because of the promise he had made to Abraham. God calls to Moses to complete his promise. God’s call to Moses is not only important because he liberates the Israelites but also because God reveals His name(s) along with His true Nature. God calls upon Moses and tells him that He’s back to help the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and that Moses is to lead them. God then gives him full instructions on what to tell the Pharaoh and, more importantly, the Israelites, who are promised, land “flowing with milk and honey”.
After the events on the boat regarding the twin children, Noah acts as if he has failed God for being unable to murder the two and carry out his plan, implying that God had actually wished for and expected Noah to murder his grandchildren. This played into portraying both God and Noah as vicious and cruel. In the story written in the Bible, God had chosen Noah to build the ark because he was the only one without wickedness present in his heart. However, he is featured in the film as one who was cold-hearted and would be willing to do anything to ensure that there would not be a future for
The three most influential books in human history, the holy books of the three main Abrahamic religions, share a common though checkered history. With a string of familiar figures and incidents, each book builds upon its predecessor, sometimes retaining the exact nature of the story and sometimes giving it a new version. Each book seems to have been influenced by its specific purpose and the circumstances of the time it was revealed, with the stories meeting the demands of the day. I believe that the Quranic treatment of Jesus was to establish a firm monotheistic belief.
Why do people confuse Muslims and Christians for serving the same god if their books distinguish incompatible higher power characteristics? It is often hard to differentiate significant events in history, especially if they happened over two thousand years ago. Often times people confuse significant biblical events due to lack of education or preferential teachings. Both the Bible and the Quran claim to have been inspired by God; however, that would mean both conflicting religions are considered absolute truth. This would also conclude that both books were inspired by the same Messiah, even though the Quran and the Bible claim to have different high powers. Many questions arise from such topics, such as: can the Quran and the Bible both be absolutely true if they hold opposing standards? Many controversial questions and discussions arise along the lines of this subject, yet it can be explained through very simple evidence: the textual content, their origins, and contradictions between the Quran and the Bible.
The Bible is a collection of sixty books that was written by diverse of authors, including the apostles and the disciple of Jesus. The Bible divided into two Testaments; the Old and New Testament. The Old Testament or the old contract is a collection of thirty-six books and the New Testament has twenty seven books. The New Testament is a contract between God and the humanity through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Koran was written by Muhammad, a prophet of God. Muslims believed that he received a message from Angel Gabriel and wrote the Koran. However, Both the Bible and the Koran are the words of God. The Christians believe in the resurrection of Christ Jesus has the son of God while the Muslims do not believe Jesus Christ as the son of God.
In each religious story, there was a common thread. Humans were presented with two paths and had to decide whether they wanted to obey or disobey God or the god’s commands. In both the Koran and the Bible, we see Adam and Eve falling for the serpent and disobeying God. In the epic, we saw that Gilgamesh never obeyed the gods and so they punished him by killing his friend. In the myths we see similar tales of human disagreement or disobeyal of their gods. In each case, the punishment is mortality. Although this makes them very similar, their ideas on what happens after death are quite different. The Koran states, “...when God so pleases, we all will be revived in the totality of being and will be brought before Him for a full accounting of the
The story of Noah is a story that should remind us that there are consequences for abusing God's laws. We are to remember that we all have a responsibility to abide by the laws God put forth. It is a story of salvation. Noah was saved as opposed to the others who died in the flood. The others didn't do as God commanded them.
Abraham had demonstrated his remarkable faith and obedience in leaving Ur. In Genesis 15, God made a covenant with Abraham in relation to his heir and Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. Abraham was obedient and God came in for him, saved his son and provided another sacrifice.
... people. It also shows the dependence of people on God. Moses was a man of courage who sought to see the face of the God. He received the laws of the lord and made sacrifices for them when they sinned. Moses acted as a mediator between Yahweh and his people (Woolfe).
Through examining the beliefs derived from the sacred texts of Christianity and Islam, it has become evident that there is a significant relationship between beliefs and the notions of inner and world peace within a religious tradition. Inner peace refers to the ways in which the sacred texts and principal teachings structure an individual’s quest to achieve personal peace and satisfaction. World peace is also achieved through the sacred texts and teachings however, it is the ways in which these teachings contribute to peace on both national and international scales (King, 2009). Through these sacred texts, principal beliefs and organisations within Christianity and Islam, a greater understanding of the notions of peace within a religious tradition is provided. The principal beliefs of Christianity and notions of peace are expressed through the sacred text, The Bible, in particular the New Testament. The Qur’an and Hadith are the sacred texts of Islam, which also educate the faith with notions of peace. These sacred texts define the origins and characteristics of a religious tradition, providing the overall foundation for religious interpretations of peace. Therefore, religion and peace is a very integrated ideology as the religious beliefs and principals of a faith form the basis on which further notions of inner and world peace can be formed within a religious tradition.
In the Old Testament, Abraham and Moses were two very prominent leaders chosen by God to do his will. Throughout Genesis and Exodus, both men play important roles in fulfilling God’s will. They are put to many tests, given covenants, and communicate constantly with God. Although they have many similarities such as being leaders and men of God, there are also many differences between the two.
At the first glance, Islam and Christianity appear to have nothing in common, however; as you go beyond the surface, they appear to have many similarities such as their beliefs of God, their beliefs of life after death, their holy scriptures, and their prayers. These religions, although are two entirely different beliefs, share a similar origin. Like many other religions, they both claim to be the one and only true way to God. In order to truly see and understand their similarities, one must date back to the rise and birth of Christianity and Islam. Throughout the course of this essay, I will compare the many facets that show the alikeness between these two growing religions.