Genesis 7-11 Research Paper

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As a believer of Christ, I consider myself as a person of covenant. Despite the fact that I have not committed extraordinary actions that some of God’s people have partaken in, I feel that I have a slight relation to these people. For instance, Noah is one of the people who made covenants with God. God commands Noah to build an arc. He notifies Noah that He will be wiping out the human race that exists in earth, for the humankind has been acting excessively sinful. God clearly demonstrates mercy by saving Noah and his family. Once Noah completes building an arc and gathers two of each creature, God floods the earth for forty days and forty nights. God reveals a rainbow that represents the fact God would never flood the earth again. Afterwards, God makes a covenant with Noah: the people will flourish in earth, as …show more content…

If people go against this covenant, one human being would be killed as well.
God’s covenant with Noah was clearly portrayed in Genesis 7-9. Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, are considered as the authors of Genesis 7-9. This originates from the Yahwist source, since God is addressed as the “LORD” in small caps. Additionally, it is clearly portrayed throughout these passages that God

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