Generation Matters Essay

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As stated in Generation Matters article, basically there are four categories of generations: The Traditionalists, the Baby Boomers, the Generation X and the Generation Y or Millennials. Yes, I do believe the way leaders communicate depends on their age or generation. From my experience, I can ascertain that the older generations (the Traditionalists and the Baby Boomers) are very competitive and complete workaholics. They are great thinkers and analyzers. They tend to live for their jobs and get easily motivated even by small appraisals. Unlike the present generation (which for the most part, relies on and prefers communicating through technology), they prefer to communicate face-to-face through personal meetings, cell phones and emails.
For the Gen Xers, communication is often short and direct through immediate emails, texts and messages. They prefer to do things their own way. They strive for feedback from their co-workers and offer feedback in exchange.

I belong to Generation Y, also known …show more content…

Pros: Technological advances have brought people closer by making communication across the world much easier. People can strengthen their relations by staying connected to old friends and relatives through Facebook, Instagram, Skype, etc. Business networking has also become easier through social media. Many businesses have expanded globally with higher productivity. In this information age, students who cannot attend regular in-class sessions can study online and take faculty opinions through video-conferencing. Further, due to advanced technology, medical field has grown significantly. One of the best example of this would be Telemedicine (remote diagnosis and treatment of patients by means of telecommunications technology). Also, people with disabilities are at benefit through the technological advancement. Example: Hearing aids, speech-generating devices,

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