Genealogy Room: Lynnfield Public Library

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conditions and their limitations Incorporate photographs with descriptive captions within the narrative that illustrate current conditions. A. What are the current building layout and conditions and how do they limit the library’s ability to serve the general public, adults, children and teens in terms of: The mission of the Lynnfield Public Library is to “facilitate townspeople of all ages in the meeting of their personal, professional, informational, educational, recreational and cultural needs by providing both current technological and traditional means of access to materials, programs, and services.” The services of the library are centered on this mission. However, the layout of the building and conditions limit the library’s ability …show more content…

This often causes congestion in the area and blocks the walkways to other locations in the building. When there are several individuals at the circulation desk, the walkway to the children’s room becomes very narrow and difficult to navigate for patrons. Having check out in one location limits the efficiently of patron services as there is often a delay as circulations staff switch from one location and a different tasks to assisting patrons. • Genealogy Room: The genealogy collection and local history collection is housed in a room that has poor lightening and has limited space for collection expansion. The room is away from the main area of the library and this limits the amount of staff interaction possible. When assisting someone in the Genealogy Room, staff are unable to see what is occurring in other parts of the building. This is one of the qiuetest rooms in the library and this room is commonly used for tutoring and study spaces. When there are discussion occuring in this room, this is often frustrating to patrons who are seeking a quiet place to …show more content…

The height of the shelving limits a child’s ability to select their own material. When children’s programming takes place in the room, the collection becomes inaccessible with chairs and tables being placed directly in front of the collection to make more seating and work spaces available. Early literacy collection with high shelves. Children’s table in front of the collection Due to limited space, the adult fiction books are located in the basement level of the building. This area is unstaffed. If a patron needs assistance with finding material in the basement, a staff member will go with the patron and then no longer be accessible to patrons on the main level. If a patron needs assistance while in the lower level, with no staff member, the patron must come upstairs to the main level to ask for assistance. In addition, when browsing in the stacks, vision is limited because of the density and heights of the

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