Gender Stereotypes

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included in the Quran, it probably replayed to the Muslims by their Christian and Jewish brethren. The children of Shem are recognized as their group the Arabs. Ham descendants are the blacks, sometimes including the Copt and Berbers. The Europeans and Turk ancestry was supposedly traced back to the brother Japhet. The Persian and Byzantines, the Arabs biggest adversaries and acquaintances, baffle historians on their ancestry according to the Arabs. One can deduct they were considered kinsmen, children of Shem, during peace. And the children of Japhet during war (Lewis44-5). Arabs declare of jihadj wasn’t discriminatory of race and ethnicity however. They enslaved “people of diverse ethnic, racial, and religious stock” says Murray Gordon. …show more content…

Price was based on factors like national origin, age, sex, health, and talent. Young pretty females were purchased for concubines. Castrated males for eunuch were higher than ordinary males that would move on to be servants and laborers. White slaves were more valuable than black (Gordon 64). Characteristics of different races and ethnicities based on stereotypes and appearances were used to classify slaves into occupation. Arabs were viewed as the most balanced and intelligent with beautiful well-formed brown features. Slavs and other Europeans were considered undercooked in the womb with light, leprous coloring and a barbaric nature do to their cold climate. Blacks were ugly with wooly hair and uneven limbs. But they were handworkers with a gift for music if not a simple minded and oversexed lot (Lewis 15-7). This reinforcement of stereotype and inferiority based on race begins to mind the pseudo-sciences and their teachings justifying slavery in the antebellum

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